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CNN news 2007-09-04 加文本


cnn 2007-09-04

【电信1】 Realvideo / MP3

From the cnn Center in Atlanta. Good Monday to you. I am Stacey Elgin. Here's a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

President Bush is on a surprise visit to Iraq. He arrived at an airbase in Anbar province, just northwest of Baghdad. The Secretary of State and Defense and the US National Security Advisor are with him. And the visit comes less than two weeks before a key report on military progress in Iraq is due.

A hurricane warning is in effect in Honduras. Officials there expect hurricane conditions within the next 24 hours. Felix is a Category 5 hurricane right now and forecast to skirt Honduras Tuesday and slam into Belize Wednesday. The US National Hurricane Center says Felix could drop back to a Category 4 Storm before it makes landfall.

In Utah, families are coming to the realization that six trapped miners won't be found alive. Rescue efforts to find them in the Crandall Canyon Mine were suspended indefinitely on Friday. Officials told the miners' families the men's bodies may never be recovered. A memorial service is planned for them at a school this Sunday.

Fire fighters say they put out the biggest of those fires burning across Greece, and only a few small fires remained. 65 people were killed and hundreds of homes damaged in the blazes. People say many of the fires were the result of arson. They have already arrested more than 30 people.

There is a changing of the guard in Great Britain. Mora Cameron is making (a) history as the first female beefeater to stand guard at the Tower of London, as she beat back 5 men to win the coveted position. Among her official duties, giving tours of the tower and guarding the crowned jewel.

Well, that's a look at the latest headlines for you this hour. For more on these stories and other news of the day, cnn is your source online on TV or when you are on the go.