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CNN news 2007-11-30 加文本


cnn 2007-11-30


So glad you are with us, I am Catherine Callaway at the cnn Center in Atlanta with a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

Tense moments and a picture perfect emergency landing. It took place at Morristown Airport in New Jersey. Assistant pilot was unable to lower his landing gear. As you see, he came in slow, he cut the engine and it glided to a belly landing. And sparks did fly but no one was injured.

In west Georgia, authorities say seven people have been injured in an explosion and fire at a metals plant in Manchester. Three of the injured are being treated at a trauma hospital in Atlanta. A spokeswoman says that one patient is in critical condition and the other two in serious condition. The fire chief says the cause of that explosion at the plant has not been determined yet.

He led the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton. He was also known for supporting government restrictions on abortion funding. Former Representative Henry Hyde died this morning. The eight-three-year old Illinois Republican retired from Congress at the end of last session. In his final years in office, Hyde was wheelchair bound. He had open heart surgery in July.

Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf will, says he will lift a state of emergency December 16th. He made that announcement soon after he was sworn in for another term in office. But this term he was sworn in as a civilian president.

A British teacher is in court in Sudan, facing charges of inciting religious intolerance. That's after someone insulted that she let her students name a teddy bear in their classroom Mohammed. Britain's top diplomats are working for her release.

Those are the headlines for you now. Stay with cnn for more on these stories and other news of the day.