CNN news 2009-11-05 加文本
cnn 2009-11-05
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Hello everyone, I'm Catherine Callaway at the cnn center in Atlanta, with a look at what's happening Now in The News.
Republicans may be feeling a little bit better about their party's future this morning. Some crucial races for governor in New Jersey and Virginia, both went to the GOP last night. In Virginia, Republican Bob McDonnell took a sweeping eighteen point landslide win over Democrat Creigh Deeds. In New Jersey, Chris Christie with a four point victory over Democrat incumbent governor Jon Corzine. New Jersey hasn't been run by a Republican in twelve years. Also a special election in upstate New York giving Democrats something to celebrate. Meanwhile, Bill Owens captured the House seat from the 23rd district, defeating conservative Douglas Hoffman. It's a seat held by Republicans since Ulysses S. Grant was president. Wow!
All right, today marks the 30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis. And President Obama said that he wants to move beyond the past and build a relationship with Iran based on mutual interest and mutual respect. US-Iran relations had been hostile since the day that Islamic students stormed the US embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage for more than 400 days. Iran's government holds rally every year to celebrate that event. Today there's something different though, anti-government protesters are also on the streets. We are also getting some reports of clashes with those police. No word about any injury yet.
More infants and young people being hospitalized for swine flu. But in California, older people are more likely to die from it. A study in the Journal of American Medical Association says the fatality rate from H1N1 in California is around 11%, but for people over the age of fifty, the fatality rate is as high as twenty percent. The study also looked at the California cases from April to August.
Firefighters today plan on tearing into the walls and floors of this house, where ten bodies have already been found. Police in Cleveland, Ohio found four more corpses and a skull in a bucket at the home of convicted rapist Anthony Sowell. He is expected to be arraigned this morning.
Those are the headlines for you this hour. Stay with cnn for more on these stories and other news of the day.