CNN news 2010-08-04 加文本
cnn news 2010-08-04
But you have to be very creative in such situation. Luckily we do have, people have a large presence in the Peshawar. And we do have emergency stock available, of course with the emergency stock we lost for a couple of day we had, and now we are looking to, to create a flight line using all the means possible to have the goods available for, uh, to assist the victims.
Today, even as terrorists try to derail Iraq's progress, because of the sacrifices of our troops and our Iraqi partners, violence in Iraq continues to be near the lowest it's been in years. And next month, we will change our military mission from combat to supporting and training Iraqi security forces. In fact, in many parts of the country, Iraqis have already taken the lead for security.
Not a single picture was taken of Lindsay Lohan exiting jail; she was released at 1:54 a.m. local time from jail. She was taken directly to the UCLA Medical Center to start her 90 days in rehab. She served just 13 days of a 90-day sentence, but it is not uncommon for non, non-violent offenders to only serve about 10 to 20 percent, 10 to 25 percent of their sentence and then be released due to overcrowding, due to time served.
A couple is accused of chaining a teenage boy to a table then going gambling. The father and stepmother were arrested after the boy escaped. Police say they found the 13-year-old boy with the chain around his neck and ankles, police say he told them he was chained to a table as punishment, but he was able to hide a key and unlock himself.
The little boy was walking and he asked for a chain-cutter.
They chained his ankles and then secured them with padlocks and then chained them to the kitchen table. Hard to imagine the kind of terror that must have been going through his mind.