CNN news 2011-05-27 加文本
cnn news 2011-05-27
The Palestinians have been unwilling to accept a Palestinian state if it meant acceptting a Jewish state along side it. You see, our conflict is never dealing about the establishment of Palestinian state. It's always been about the existance of the Jewish state.
Everyone wants to konw what happened. How in the world can a monther wait 30 days before ever reporting her child missing. It's insane, it's bizare. Something's just not right about that. Or the answer is actually relatively simple. She never was missing. Kelly A died on June 16th 2008 when she drowned in the family swimming pool. You're gonna hear like Kelly love to swim and Kelly could get out the house very easily and did so on that day.
We are still on search and rescure more, and will be for the foreseeable future. We are working on that and have had a wonderful uppoint of support from volunteers coming into our community to affact that search and rescure, and we're involved in that and hopefully we'll get a little cooperation at least so far today with the weather in order to do that as efficiently as possible.