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CNN news 2011-05-28 加文本


cnn news 2011-05-28

Today ,we ask for your thoughts on athletic ability ,today we are gonna share some of your opinions and tackle another controvercial sports story.But we start on Capitol Hill.That's where members of both Houses of Congress held a meeting to hear a speech from a world leader.But it wasn't President Obama .It was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The main focus of his speech to congress yesterday was the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians and the efforts to restart peace talks between the groups. During his address the Prime Minister said that Israel will be generous in peace negotiations.But he also said his country will have specific demmands about where the borders of a Palestiain state would be drawn.

Palestinian officials said Netanyahu's speech showed he isn't serious about trying to find peaceful solutions.Establishing seperate states for Israelis and Palestinains has been the focus of a lot ,a peace negoation.But Prime Minister Netanyahu believes the real heart of the conflict goes back to when Israel was first created.The Palestinians have been unwilling to accept the Palestinian state if it meant accepting a Jewish state alongside it .

You see,our conflict has never been about the establishment of a Palestinian state.It's always been about the existence of the Jewish state.President Obama was also said to talk about the Israeli -Palestinian conflict yesterday.But on the other side,the Atlantic Ocean ,it was one of subjects he was going to discuss with British Prime Minister ,David Cameron .Here you see,the two world leaders meeting outside the Prime Minister Cameron's offices in London .

The two men to talk about several world issues as President Obama continued his week-long trip to Europe.The President and First Lady also visited Buckingham Palace .That's where they were greeted by the Queen before they took a tour of her famous home.President Obama got to London the day earlier than expected .He changed his travel plans to avoid being delayed by this -the giant cloud of ash coming from vocalno in Iceland.

Grimsvotn started erupting on Saturday ,shooting this ash up to the sky .If you want a little more perspective ,this is what it looks like from space.NASA iamges showing the ash covering huge areas ,the reason why this matters is that volcanic ash can cause serious problems for planes .Hundreds of flights have already been canceled across parts of Europe as the ash moves from Iceland towards the mainland of the continent.

Officials don't expect this to be as bad as last year though ,when a different volcano's eruption caused thousands of flights to be canceled every day.