CNN news 2013-05-22 加文本
cnn news 2013-05-22
Thanks to those news charter Students forgetting things started. Thanks all of you for wrapping up your week with cnnStudent News. I'm Carl Azuz.
For start today, parts of Texas wererecovery from severe weather that hit on Wednesday. A national weather surveysays at least 10 tornadoes touched down in the area.
US gets more tornadoes per year than anyother country. These storms can show up any time, but the peak months areApril, May and June. The ones that hit north Texas killed at least 6 people.Rescue crews were searching for others who were missing yesterday.
Official say the victims were in its neighborhood.Most of homes there were destroyed. You can see some foundations where thebuildings just completely gone; and some of homes that are standing like thisone still got massive damage. Recovery efforts could take a while.
If you're looking for a way to help out, goto the resources box,, and click the impact your world link.
Following up now, a couple governmentstories.
Earlier this week, we reported on thescandal involving the IRS. The agency admitted that when groups from the TeaParty movement and other conservative groups applied for tax exempt status,their applications were targeted for extra review, was basically politicalbias. You can get all the details on what happened in the transcript for Mondayshow.
The acting commissioner of the IRS wasforced to resign this week because of the scandal. The reaction from acrossWashington, outrage.
--Whether you're a republican or a democraticindependent in this country, to take the abuse of a 3.8-trillion government,the power of that government and to use it to stifle opposition is profoundlyun-American.
--It should not matter what political strideyou're from, but the fact of matter is that the IRS has to operate withabsolute integrity. The government generally ask to conduct itself in a waythat is true to the public trust, that's especially true for the IRS. It'sinexcusable, and America is right to angery about it.
--There are laws in place to prevent thistype of abuse.
--My question isn't about who is going toresign. My question is who's going to jail over the scandal.
The other follow up is about a terroristattack against US facility in Benghazi, Libya last year. 4 Americans werekilled including the American ambassador in Libya.
There's been a lot of criticism about howpresident Obama's administration responded. Wednesday, the White House releasedmore than 100 pages of e-mails about that response. The communications betweenthe White House, CIA and the state department, show how the administrationdeveloped its talking points. That's the information the government would sharepublicly.
Representative Darrell Issa, the chairmanof the House Oversight Committee explained why Congress is holding hearingsabout Benghazi.
--Our solemn responsibility is to holdgovernment accountable to tax payers. Because tax payers have the right to knowwhat they get from their government.