CNN news 2013-05-23 加文本
cnn news 2013-05-23
You’re probably not as familiar with Armed Forces Day, as you’re with Memorial Day or Veterans Day. But the holiday celebrated this Saturday dates back to 1949 when it was announced to honor all branches of the U.S. military. In honor of Armed Forces Day, we’re drumming up some military trivia.
First, the oldest and largest branch. You’ll probably guess it’s the Army, but did you know that it dates back to June of 1775? That’s the year before the Declaration of Independence was signed. The Navy was also established that year on October 13th, and on November 10th, 1775, the Marine Corps was born. All three of these groups would fight in a Revolutionary War. The U.S. Coast Guard came along in 1790, but not as the Coast Guard. It was called the Revenue Marine Service, and it was created by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The Coast Guard got its current name in 1915. The youngest branch is the Air Force, of course, you couldn’t get that one off the ground without planes, but even after those did take flight and start their military service, they were part of the Army until 1947.
People always talk about prom as a night to remember. For a group of high school students from Davy, Florida, theirs is a night they’ll probably never forget.
We were in a limo and we’re all dancing and having a good time, decided to go to a prom, and then all of a sudden the bus slams on its breaks. I was the first to think, call 911, so I stepped to the side(路边) and called 911. I was calm.
Staying calm will be impressive enough, considering this is why the driver slammed on the breaks. A van had swerved and flipped on its side right in front of them. The limo driver and 20 students got out, jumped in the action helping rescue the five adults and two kids in the van. Police and firefighters showed up a few minutes later, and everyone from the van was taken into hospital.
As for the students, after going through all that, they went on to their senior prom, they were a little disheveled, but still determined to be there.
And we all made it, we’re just happy to know that we all alive when we enjoyed that night.
Seniors, we want to hear from you. What are you planning to do after graduation? Work, higher education, serve in the military? Tell us in our quick poll. It’s on the blog, it’s