栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:塞纳河水位持续高涨 法国巴黎洪水泛滥
While part of Europe struggles with heavy flood conditions, part of Africa struggles with bone dry conditions. We're starting with France. The Seine River, which runs through P
美语听力2018-02-12 -
CNN News:特朗普将发表任后首份国情咨文 白宫公布移民改革框架文件
Now that he's been office for more than a year, U.S. President Donald Trump is set to give his first State of the Union Address on Tuesday night. The speech he gave last year i
美语听力2018-02-11 -
CNN News:世界经济论坛年会开幕 特朗普演讲备受关注
Based around the idea of a improving the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is holding its annual meeting right now in Davos, Switzerland. Leaders of governments, compani
美语听力2018-02-09 -
CNN News:美国阿拉斯加发生7.9级地震 已发布海啸预警
AZUZ: Just after midnight on Tuesday, the earth jolted beneath the Gulf of Alaska. This is a Pacific body of water surrounded by southern Alaska.
The earthquake that hit there was -
CNN News:特朗普宣布对进口太阳能板和洗衣机征收关税
U.S. President Donald Trump's first major trade action of the year is to impose a tariff or a tax on solar panels and washing machines that come from other countries.
Why thes -
CNN News:俄罗斯奥运禁赛运动员提出上诉 美国政府结束停摆
AZUZ: With the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics just weeks away, the Court of Arbitration for Sport is about to get very busy. That's the court of appeals and that dozens o
美语听力2018-02-06 -
CNN News:日本东京首次针对他国发射导弹实施避难演习
For the first time since World War II ended in 1945, the Japanese capital of Tokyo held a drill that simulated a missile attack. Part of the drill, as you see here, was staged in a
美语听力2018-02-05 -
CNN News:全球多地再爆发女性大游行 抗议特朗普执政一周年
AZUZ: Activists and protesters, Hollywood stars and politicians turned out in cities worldwide over the weekend for what's called the Women's March.
The first one also a m -
CNN News:美国政府陷停摆 国会两党开启互骂模式
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A partial shutdown in the U.S. government. That's what officially started on Friday night, and was still going when we produced this show. That's
美语听力2018-02-01 -
CNN News:美国流感肆虐 疫苗不能有效预防
AZUZ: And a flu strain circulating in the U.S. this year, like the one that hit Australia last year, is a nasty one. Widespread flu activities are being reported in every part of t
美语听力2018-01-31 -
CNN News:多国监管收紧 比特币持续暴跌
There have been some breakneck swings in the value of bitcoin. We reported on this digital form of currency last month. It was created in 2009.
People can either buy bitco -
CNN News:伊朗油轮与香港货船相撞 发生石油泄漏
Paris, France, is just over 40 square miles in area. That's also about the size of an oil spill that's spreading in the East China Sea.
It started when an Iranian oil tank -
CNN News:朝韩冬奥会开幕式将举半岛旗共同入场 合组女子冰球队
With the 2018 Winter Olympics just over three weeks away in Pyeongchang, South Korea, more cooperation has been announced between that country and its rival North Korea. But some e
美语听力2018-01-26 -
CNN News:美国政府再现关门危机 民共两党各持己见
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Is the U.S. government on the verge of shutting down? What exactly does that mean anyway?
That's the first story we're explaining today on CNN 10 -
CNN News:叙利亚政府军持续空袭反对派控制区
AZUZ: People in the Middle Eastern country of Syria have been suffering the horrors of war for years. Since Syria's civil war started in 2011, the United Nations estimates that
美语听力2018-01-24 -
CNN News:朝鲜管弦乐队赴平昌冬奥 夏威夷误发导弹警报引恐慌
North Korea is planning to send an orchestra to South Korea for the Winter Olympic Games that start next month. The 140-member group will be part of the North Korean delegation tha
美语听力2018-01-23 -
CNN News:美众议院更新外国情报监控法 特朗普吐槽后又点赞
AZUZ: The U.S. Congress is moving closer to renewing a controversial law that allows the government to collect information about people in other countries who aren't U.S. citiz
美语听力2018-01-22 -
CNN News:美加州山火季后开始出现泥石流灾害 遇难人数增至17人
A series of disasters has devastated parts of southern California, the largest wildfire in state history flared up in early December. It was named the Thomas Fire because it starte
美语听力2018-01-19 -
CNN News:MH370搜寻工作重启 美国私人勘探公司将接手
AZUZ: Up next, a restart in the search for a missing passenger jet in the Indian Ocean. Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 vanished on March 8, 2014. It was flying from Kuala Lumpur, Ma
美语听力2018-01-18 -
CNN News:朝韩高级别会谈取得进展 助力朝韩关系破冰
North and South Korea are working toward reducing tensions on their shared peninsula. On Tuesday, the two sides held face to face talks for the first time in more than two years an
美语听力2018-01-17 -
CNN News:美国加州大火后又遭暴雨侵袭 已致5死数千人撤离
We're explaining news happening around the world, starting with evacuations of thousands of people in southern California. Huge parts of this region had been scorched by wildfires
美语听力2018-01-16 -
CNN News:美股再创新高 道指首次突破25000点
AZUZ: Including General Electric, there are now 30 stocks listed in the Dow. They're called Blue Chips, stocks from companies that are financially strong and considered good in
美语听力2018-01-16 -
CNN News:朝韩将举行高级别会谈 迈出局势缓和第一步
An event is taking place tomorrow, near the border between North and South Korea that hasn't happened in more than two years. High level representatives from the North will mee
美语听力2018-01-16 -
CNN News:强烈暴风雪袭击美国东北部 导致停电与交通混乱
AZUZ: For millions of people on the U.S. East Coast, it's like they've been hit by a category one hurricane, but this storm lashed them with cold and snow. Tens of thousand
美语听力2018-01-11 -
CNN News:时隔近两年 朝韩首次通过板门店热线联络渠道通话
First story this January 5th, the ringing of a telephone is being called a potential breakthrough between North and South Korea. There's a hotline that connects that two countr
栏目广告位二 |