栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:特朗普与金正恩会晤筹备工作启动 能否实现见面仍是未知数
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: No sitting U.S. president has ever met with a leader of North Korea, but that could change completely just months from now, and that's our first story
美语听力2018-04-26 -
CNN News:朱诺号探测器进一步解密木星 美国即将进入夏令时
AZUZ: Compared to earth's mass, Jupiter is thought to be much larger than that. And scientists say NASA's Juno spacecraft has led to new findings about Jupiter.
For one th -
CNN News:特朗普正式决定对进口钢铁和铝产品征收高关税
Last month, we reported on how the Trump administration was considering putting new tariffs or taxes on steel and aluminum that comes from other countries. Yesterday, President Don
美语听力2018-04-24 -
CNN News:韩国特使团访朝延续半岛缓和势头 朝鲜愿与美国展开对话
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Are North and South Korea heading toward a historic peace agreement, or is another trap being set by the communist country? That's what analysts aroun
美语听力2018-04-20 -
CNN News:美国二战时沉没航母被发现 西弗吉尼亚州教师结束罢工
AZUZ: In the Coral Sea off the eastern coast of Australia, a U.S. battleship has been observed for the first time since it was sunk during World War II. These are the remains of th
美语听力2018-04-19 -
CNN News:数周来首批援助物资进入东古塔 叙停火协议未阻止冲突升级
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10. Give us 10 minutes, we'll give you an explanation of news events happening around the world.
That includes what's g -
CNN News:美国航母停靠岘港 越战后首次访问越南
Another interesting news event concerning the U.S. and the nation in Asia, an American aircraft carrier has arrived near Vietnam for the first time since the Vietnam War ended in 1
美语听力2018-04-17 -
CNN News:朝鲜最高领导人金正恩会见韩总统特使团并举行晚宴
Today's edition of CNN 10 begins by explaining why a dinner gathering in North Korea is making news headlines around the world. There's a lot that's unknown about the n
美语听力2018-04-16 -
CNN News:强风暴席卷美国致6人死亡 40万人断电3000次航班取消
As we begin a new week of news coverage, the Northeastern U.S. has taken one punch from a powerful storm and it's bracing for another could strike midway through the week. Amer
美语听力2018-04-13 -
CNN News:美国政府成立特别工作组 应对阿片类药物危机
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: The U.S. government is creating a task force specifically focused on tackling the nation's opioid crisis. That and how the crisis is affecting America
美语听力2018-04-12 -
CNN News:比特币盛行 揭密其底层技术区块链
RAMY ZABARAH, MULTIPLATFORM EDITOR, CNNMONEY: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have been getting a lot of hype lately. And while some investors believe that these coins c
美语听力2018-04-11 -
CNN News:美国西弗吉尼亚州教师大罢工 所有公立学校关闭
AZUZ: Every public school in the American state of West Virginia has been closed for the past three days while teachers and other school employees are on strike. They're callin
美语听力2018-04-10 -
CNN News:美两党陷备忘录之争 民主党公布通俄门备忘录
Exactly three weeks ago, we reported on a memo released by Republicans on the Intelligence Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. The memo was related to how in 2016, U.S.
美语听力2018-04-09 -
CNN News:全美学生举行罢课游行要求控枪 特朗普提议让老师配枪
AZUZ: In a week since the deadly shooting at a high school in Southeast Florida, students around the state and other parts of the country have staged demonstrations, walk-outs and
美语听力2018-04-08 -
CNN News:博科圣地再袭尼日利亚学校 数十名女学生遭绑架
There'd been some mixed messages coming out of Nigeria, after what appears to be another mass kidnapping by the Boko Haram terrorist group. It's been fighting the African c
美语听力2018-04-08 -
CNN News:委内瑞拉推出加密货币石油币
Next, we're traveling to the South American nation of Venezuela, which is trying something new to help save its failing economy. Venezuela used to be the wealthiest country in
美语听力2018-04-08 -
CNN News:叙利亚猛轰东古塔致数百人死亡
First report takes us to the Middle East, where the fight is getting more intense in one of the last parts of Syria that's controlled by rebels who are fighting the government.
美语听力2018-04-04 -
CNN News:特朗普被曝欲对钢铝征收最严厉进口关税
AZUZ: There's a challenging decision ahead of the Trump administration when it comes to steel and aluminum. Both of these metals are important to the U.S. economy. They're
美语听力2018-04-03 -
CNN News:因干涉总统大选 美起诉13名俄罗斯公民及3家企业
We start today with a look at an international story concerning the U.S. and Russia. Late last week, an American federal grand jury formally charged 13 Russian citizens and three R
美语听力2018-04-02 -
CNN News:平昌冬奥会激战正酣 朝鲜代表团在韩体验两国差异
From the state to Florida, we're now taking you to the nation of South Korea where the 2018 Olympic Winter Games are wrapping up their first week.
After this weekend, the luge -
CNN News:美国佛州校园枪击案再引控枪呼声 特朗普发表演讲
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Today, CNN 10 starts with a look at how Americans are responding to Wednesday's deadly school shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida. That'
美语听力2018-04-02 -
CNN News:美国佛州发生校园枪击案 狂风肆虐冬奥会致比赛取消
AZUZ: News broke yesterday afternoon about a shooting at a high school in Parkland, the city of southeast Florida. Information was still coming in as we produce this show. There wa
美语听力2018-04-02 -
CNN News:南非总统祖马宣布辞职 中国春运开始
The president of South Africa has resigned. Jacob Zuma made the announcement yesterday in a nationally televised address. He lost support from his political party, the African Nati
美语听力2018-03-27 -
CNN News:南非总统祖马深陷腐败丑闻 但拒绝辞职
Today's first story takes us to South Africa. There have been some big question mark hanging over the nation's government, primarily what will happen to President Jacob Zum
美语听力2018-03-26 -
CNN News:道指止跌转涨 迪士尼美国乐园提价
Yesterday, one significant and closely watched indicator of the U.S. stock market jumped up. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, an index of 30 important stocks, ended the day 410 po
栏目广告位二 |