栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:诺奖获得者马拉拉离乡6年首返巴基斯坦 朝韩首脑会谈时间地点确定
For the first time in almost six years, Malala Yousafzai has returned to her home country of Pakistan. The 20-year-old winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is known around the world as
美语听力2018-05-29 -
CNN News:美国退休大法官呼吁废除宪法第二修正案
AZUZ: A former U.S. Supreme Court justice is calling for a major change to the U.S. constitution and his suggestion has stirred up debate and controversy across America. Former Jus
美语听力2018-05-28 -
CNN News:金正恩对中国进行非正式访问 与习近平主席举行会谈
A heavily armored train pulled into a station in the Chinese capital of Beijing earlier this week, increased security there. The removal of tourists from the area and the fact that
美语听力2018-05-25 -
CNN News:CEO扎克伯格同意国会作证 脸谱网又被曝收集安卓用户通话记录
AZUZ: The CEO of Facebook is planning to testify on Capitol Hill about what he has called a major breach of trust.
We reported last Thursday on how a Facebook app had been used to -
CNN News:超20国驱逐俄罗斯外交人员 美关闭俄驻西雅图总领馆
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: International pressure on Russia is our first subject today on CNN 10.
I'm Carl Azuz, explaining world news from the CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia. -
CNN News:2018埃及总统选举拉开帷幕 塞西胜出几无悬念
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: CNN 10 is taking you to Egypt for our first story this Tuesday. I'm Carl Azuz. Thank you for watching the show.
Polls are open in the North African c -
CNN News:AT&T与美国司法部对簿公堂 能否收购时代华纳备受关注
AZUZ: A trial is going on right now that's closely being watched by companies and legal experts around America. AT&T is trying to buy Time Warner, the parent company of CNN, fo
美语听力2018-05-21 -
CNN News:全美多地爆发大规模控枪游行 反枪派与挺枪派爆发冲突
We're starting with a recap of a weekend event that brought out hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in cities across the U.S. and beyond. It was called the March for Our Liv
美语听力2018-05-18 -
CNN News:受Uber致死事件影响 丰田叫停所有自动驾驶路测
Next story today, the Toyota Motor Company says it's temporarily stopping its test of self driving cars. The Boston Department of Transportation has asked autonomous car compan
美语听力2018-05-18 -
CNN News:特朗普挑起贸易战 宣布对500亿美元中国进口商品征收关税
Today's down the middle coverage starts with a look new tariffs which are like taxes that the U.S. is placing on certain imports. We've talked about the Trump administratio
美语听力2018-05-16 -
CNN News:脸谱网陷数据泄露丑闻 被指影响总统大选
In 2004, a site known then as The Facebook was launched by a student at Harvard University.
AZUZ: That student, Mark Zuckerberg, is now the CEO of Facebook and he's admitting -
CNN News:在尼日利亚东北部被博科圣地绑架女孩大多数获释 美得州连环爆炸案嫌犯已死亡
After weeks of suffering, hundreds of people are rejoicing in the African country of Nigeria, following the return of dozens of schoolgirls who were kidnapped last month. The Boko
美语听力2018-05-14 -
CNN News:世上仅存雄性北方白犀牛被实施安乐死 物种濒临灭绝
With the weight of between three and five tons, the white rhinoceros checks in as the planet's second largest land mammal.
AZUZ: And the sub species of the white rhino known a -
CNN News:澳新南威尔士州发生丛林大火 已烧毁70多栋建筑
For our first report, we're taking you to the nation and continent of Australia. In the southeast part of the country, the Australian state of New South Wales, a massive bushfi
美语听力2018-05-10 -
CNN News:特朗普宣布遏制阿片类药物滥用计划 寻求对毒贩判处死刑
U.S. President Donald Trump is introducing a new plan to take on America's opioid epidemic. U.S. health officials say 64,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2016, mostly from
美语听力2018-05-09 -
CNN News:美国奥斯汀连发爆炸案 市民陷入恐慌
AZUZ: Police in Austin, the capital of Texas, are telling people to call them if they see anything suspicious and they're offering a reward of $115,000. It's because they t
美语听力2018-05-08 -
CNN News:胜利在望 叙利亚总统阿萨德视察东古塔区前线
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad recently spent part of his day driving through a suburb of Damascus on a Honda Civic. Why is this making international news?
The part of the Syria -
CNN News:俄罗斯大选正式拉开帷幕 普京再获六年任期
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello to everyone watching around the world. I'm Carl Azuz. CNN 10 is jumping right into global news this Monday, explaining the significance of an el
美语听力2018-05-04 -
CNN News:特朗普政府宣布制裁俄罗斯 俄正研究反制措施
Ithe U.S., the Trump administration is putting new sanctions on the nation of Russia. These are punishments for Russia's alleged interference in 2016 U.S. presidential election
美语听力2018-05-03 -
CNN News:佛州枪击案一月祭 全美三千多所学校学生罢课呼吁控枪
AZUZ: More than 3,000 walkout events were planned at schools across America yesterday one month after a deadly shooting at a high school in southeast Florida. Students had planned
美语听力2018-05-02 -
CNN News:英国物理学家霍金去世 享年76岁
Staying in England for our next story: world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking died at his home in Cambridge yesterday. He was born on January 8th, 1942, the 300th anniversary of
美语听力2018-05-02 -
CNN News:俄前间谍中毒引爆英俄外交风波 英国宣布驱逐俄罗斯外交官
The United Kingdom is kicking 23 Russian diplomats out of the country and suspending its high level communications with Russia. British Prime Minister Theresa May says this is the
美语听力2018-05-02 -
CNN News:特朗普炒掉国务卿蒂勒森 前往加州视察边境墙
We're starting to look at the U.S. secretary of state. This is the top adviser to the president on international affairs. He or she conveys U.S. foreign policy to the rest of t
美语听力2018-04-28 -
CNN News:俄罗斯高超音速导弹发射成功 美国防部长称俄新武器不影响美战略
And our first story concerns a weapon that said to be hypersonic, meaning it would travel at several times the speed of sound. Russia's defense ministry says it's conducted
美语听力2018-04-27 -
CNN News:美国佛罗里达州签署控枪法案 购枪年龄升至21岁
AZUZ: Laws are changing in the U.S. state of Florida following a deadly shooting at a highest on February 14th. Governor Rick Scott signed a $400 million bill last Friday.
The lar
栏目广告位二 |