栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:特朗普宣布取消朝美首脑会谈 对朝继续最大施压政策
Geopolitics are at play in our first story. We talked a lot about a planned summit between the leaders of the United States and North Korea.
Today, we're explaining why it' -
CNN News:冲突升级 特朗普怒批FBI在其团队安插间谍
And the first story we're delving into this Wednesday involves a storm that's brewing in Washington, D.C. This is related to special counsel investigation that's trying
美语听力2018-08-06 -
CNN News:中美达成共识不打贸易战 停止互加关税
Officials on two sides of the Pacific Ocean have put the brakes on a trade dispute between the United States and China. These two countries have the two largest economies on the pl
美语听力2018-08-03 -
CNN News:委内瑞拉大选开始投票 美圣达菲市发生校园枪击案
Millions of people in Venezuela have gone to the polls to vote in a presidential election. It started yesterday morning. The leader of the South American country has chosen through
美语听力2018-08-02 -
CNN News:刚果埃博拉疫情首现城市病例 通俄门调查进入第二年
The Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa is where we start today's show. What's happening there is alarming medical officials around the world. The latest outbrea
美语听力2018-08-01 -
CNN News:朝鲜宣布中止朝韩高级别会谈 威胁取消金特会
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Will the historic summit between North Korean and American leaders be stopped before it begins? That's the first subject we're exploring today on
美语听力2018-07-31 -
CNN News:巴以冲突不断 回顾加沙地带动乱史
We're returning to the Middle East for our first story, where protest in the Palestinian controlled territory of Gaza continued Tuesday. But they were reportedly smaller and le
美语听力2018-07-30 -
CNN News:美国驻以色列使馆在耶路撒冷开馆 巴以冲突致数十人死亡
Today, that begins with what's been happening in Jerusalem. The Middle Eastern city whose population is more than eight and a half million is holy to Jews, Christians and Musli
美语听力2018-07-27 -
CNN News:美国夏威夷火山喷发愈演愈烈 数字解读危险形势
And we start today with a by-the-numbers look at the dangerous situation on Hawaii's big island. That's where the notoriously active Kilauea volcano has been erupting again
美语听力2018-07-26 -
CNN News:伊朗以色列爆发直接交火 特朗普宣布于6月12日在新加坡会晤金正恩
We're starting in the Middle East today where there's been a new exchange of fire between old enemies. We've told you how other countries are involved in Syria's ci
美语听力2018-07-25 -
CNN News:刚果再现埃博拉疫情 已有17起死亡病例
AZUZ: Medical teams are rushing to contain an outbreak of the Ebola virus in Central Africa. Two cases have been confirmed in the northwestern part of the Democratic Republic of Co
美语听力2018-07-24 -
CNN News:蓬佩奥从朝鲜带回三名美国人 特金会地点即将公布
Three American citizens who'd been held prisoner in North Korea were expected to arrive in Washington, D.C. early Thursday morning. They were on the plane with U.S. Secretary o
美语听力2018-07-23 -
CNN News:特朗普宣布退出伊朗核协议恢复对伊制裁 伊朗或重启核项目
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A major change in international policy is the first story we're explaining right now on CNN 10.
Yesterday, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that -
CNN News:夏威夷火山持续喷发 熔岩裂缝达10条
It's been five days since Hawaii's Kilauea volcano started erupting again, but a lot of the destruction is occurring miles from the mountain summit.
This is all started Th -
CNN News:金特会地点可能选在板门店 美亚利桑那州教师结束罢工
AZUZ: It looks like the demilitarized zone, the heavily armed border that separates North Korea and South Korea may be the place where North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and U.S. Pr
美语听力2018-07-18 -
CNN News:世卫组织发布最新报告 全球每年700万人死于空气污染
There's a good chance that the air you breathe is too polluted to be healthy.
That's according to a new study just released this week by the World -
CNN News:刚果钴矿开采业使用童工引关注
This show is centered on an in-depth report that concerns child labor, a large African country and the element of cobalt. We're explaining how all those things are tied togethe
美语听力2018-07-16 -
CNN News:大篷车移民抵达美墨边境 申请美国庇护
AZUZ: And it's at one of those borders, the one between the U.S. and Mexico, that around 100 people from Central America are hoping to be granted asylum in the U.S. This is whe
美语听力2018-07-16 -
CNN News:以色列总理称获得秘密文件 证明伊朗在核协议上撒谎
There's a new controversy associated with what's known as the Iran nuclear deal, also called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. It's an agreement that was made in
美语听力2018-07-12 -
CNN News:美国运营商T-Mobile和Sprint宣布合并 强强联合剑指5G
Brown Telephone founded in 1899 is a part of the history of Sprint Corporation.
AZUZ: That could include T-Mobile too, if the proposed $26 billion merger between Sprint and T-Mobi -
CNN News:阿富汗一天多起爆炸袭击 ISIS认领首都爆炸案
Over the past few weeks, there's been a series of terrorist attacks in the South Asian country of Afghanistan. We reported on a suicide bombing that killed 57 people on April 2
美语听力2018-07-10 -
CNN News:朝韩首脑举行历史性会晤 金正恩承诺关闭核试验场
Last Friday, we said it was scheduled to happen and it happened. But even some Koreans say it's hard to believe.
For the first time since fighting stopped in the Korean War in -
CNN News:朝韩首脑进行会晤 美参议院批准蓬佩奥出任国务卿
Today's show starts with three subjects that could change the world. One, getting rid of nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula. Two, a peace agreement between North Korea and
美语听力2018-07-06 -
CNN News:丑闻缠身仍势头不减 脸谱网用户数量营收均增长
AZUZ: Next, has the recent data scandal had a financial impact on Facebook? Its stock's been on a rollercoaster ride since last month when news came out that the company named
美语听力2018-07-05 -
CNN News:美最高法审理特朗普政府旅行禁令 6月公布最终裁决
The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments yesterday on what could be the most significant case of its current term. It concerns the restrictions that the Trump administration put in p
栏目广告位二 |