栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:脸谱网和推特高管出席美国会听证会 承诺打击假新闻
You probably used Google, Facebook and/or Twitter in the last 24 hours. These companies executives were recently asked to testify before the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee. Thi
美语听力2018-09-11 -
CNN News:美最高法院大法官提名听证会火药味十足
CARL AZUZ: There are currently 8 sitting justices at the U.S. Supreme Court. One retired this summer and Senate hearings are entering their second day Wednesday for President Donal
美语听力2018-09-10 -
CNN News:强台风飞燕登陆日本 美多州因热带风暴进入紧急状态
First we're taking you to the Eastern Asian country of Japan which has just weathered it's strongest typhoon in decades. Japanese Public Broadcast Company, NHK reports that
美语听力2018-09-07 -
CNN News:巴西国家博物馆突发大火 200年历史付之一炬
In the South American nation of Brazil, history has been lost. A fire started Sunday evening at the country's National Museum.
And though firefighters worked throughout the ni -
CNN News:委内瑞拉深陷经济危机 美国各界悼念已故参议员麦凯恩
Our coverage starts in the South American country of Venezuela. It's economy is crumbling and thousands of people there are flooding out into neighboring nations like Brazil an
美语听力2018-09-05 -
CNN News:金特会后美朝关系依然紧张 朝鲜半岛去核化无实质进展
History was made over the summer when the sitting leaders of the United States and North Korea met face to face in the Asian island country of Singapore.
There were questions befo -
CNN News:研究显示空气污染可能会损害思考能力
And today begins with an international study that suggests air pollution may be damaging the people's ability to think. The study came out Tuesday in the proceedings of the Nat
美语听力2018-09-03 -
CNN News:特朗普宣布美国与墨西哥达成贸易协议
On Monday, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that the United States and Mexico had reached a new agreement on trade. Since 1993, those two countries plus Canada have all been p
美语听力2018-08-31 -
CNN News:美共和党资深参议员麦凯恩去世 佛罗里达州发生枪击案
First report takes us to the U.S. Capitol. Republicans and Democrats there say it won't be the same without U.S. Senator John McCain. The Republican who represented the state o
美语听力2018-08-30 -
CNN News:中美贸易战再升级 月球表面存在冰获证实
Tensions over trade are heating up between the United States and China. At midnight Thursday, $16 billion worth of Chinese products including motorcycles, plastics and refrigerator
美语听力2018-08-29 -
CNN News:飓风莱恩扑向夏威夷 全州严阵以待
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: There's a storm brewing out in the Pacific Ocean. It's big. It's powerful. It may be headed to the 50th U.S. state and it leads off today'
美语听力2018-08-28 -
CNN News:特朗普政府公布替代奥巴马政府计划 拟松绑发电厂排放限制
The EPA promotes clean air and land and water in America and makes sure Federal laws concerning this are enforced fairly. The Trump Administration's EPA has proposed a new rule
美语听力2018-08-27 -
CNN News:印度喀拉拉邦世纪大洪水已致超300人死亡 灾区一片汪洋
Today's coverage on CNN 10 starts with a natural disaster taking place in Southern Asia. Parts of Kerala, a state in southern India are underwater.
The rainy season brought on by -
CNN News:特朗普取消前CIA局长布伦南安全许可
A former Director of the CIA has lost his Security Clearance. To help us explain what exactly happened and the controversy surrounding it, here's CNN's Tom Foreman.
CNN News:朝韩离散家属团聚活动重启
Today's down the middle coverage starts with an explanation of reunions on the Korean Peninsula.
For the first time in almost 70 years, some civilians separated by the Korean -
CNN News:特朗普提名卡瓦诺任最高法院大法官
U.S. High Court is set to get a new justice. Those who serve there essentially stay as long as they want. In Article 3, Section 1, the U.S. Constitution states that Supreme Court J
美语听力2018-08-21 -
CNN News:中国计划首登月球暗面 将创太空历史
There are three countries that have sent space craft to the moon, the U.S., Russia and the third which soft landed a rover there back in 2013 is China. But China hopes to become th
美语听力2018-08-20 -
CNN News:刚果再度暴发埃博拉疫情 土耳其美国撕破脸贸易战火重燃
Today we're starting in Central Africa. Earlier this year in May, there was an outbreak of the deadly E-Bola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A little more than a mon
美语听力2018-08-17 -
CNN News:意大利热那亚高架桥大雨中坍塌 逾20人遇难
We're starting in the European nation of Italy where tragedy struck in the northwestern city of Genoa yesterday. It's where a major section of a highway bridge collapsed at
美语听力2018-08-16 -
CNN News:美国加州野火持续肆虐 气候变化争论再起
We're getting you caught up today on something that's caused catastrophic damage on parts of California, wildfires. Firefighters are currently battling at least 10 of them
美语听力2018-08-15 -
CNN News:刚果埃博拉疫情防控前景谨慎乐观 特朗普向盟友征收钢铝关税
Today's global coverage begins in Central Africa. International health officials say they have reason to be cautiously optimistic about limiting the spread of an Ebola outbreak
美语听力2018-08-14 -
CNN News:夏威夷火山熔岩切断公路 烟雾笼罩周边区域
First today on CNN 10, a special weather statement for part of Hawaii. It's not rain. It's not storms. It's ashfall from the erupting Kilauea volcano that's likely
美语听力2018-08-14 -
CNN News:金特会又有望进行 马航MH370搜寻结束
We've been reporting on a proposed summit between the leaders of the United States and North Korea. It would be historic if it happens, sitting leaders from these two countries
美语听力2018-08-10 -
CNN News:特朗普阿灵顿国家公墓献花悼念亡者
AZUZ: Yesterday at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, U.S. President Donald Trump took part of the ceremonial wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It's one o
美语听力2018-08-09 -
CNN News:亚热带风暴阿尔伯托来袭 美国三州进入紧急状态
While we were on the subject of seasons, the Atlantic hurricane season typically runs from June 1st through November 30th. But as we've said before, these storms don't alwa
栏目广告位二 |