栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:美国两党冲刺中期选举 特朗普奥巴马隔空交锋
In four days, Americans will be going to the polls. They'll be determining the entire make-up of the House of Representatives and about a third of the make-up of the Senate. Th
美语听力2018-11-21 -
CNN News:亚马逊市值突破万亿美元大关 创始人贝佐斯问鼎世界首富
In the business world there are fewer big topics than Amazon. It started as a retail website in 1995 selling books. From there, it grew to, well you know this, it sells most of the
美语听力2018-11-20 -
CNN News:威尼斯水城遭遇特大洪水 四分之三被水淹没
CARL AZUZ: It's not unusual to see flooding in Venice, Italy this time of year. The city of lagoons and canals is often overwhelmed by water between October and December but it
美语听力2018-11-19 -
CNN News:美国派出5000军人前往美墨边境应对大篷车移民
We're starting with a report on the U.S. government's response to a caravan of migrants heading toward America's southern border with Mexico. We first reported on the c
美语听力2018-11-16 -
CNN News:默克尔宣布不再寻求连任 博尔索纳罗将赢得巴西大选
German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Monday that she would not try to get re-elected when her term expires in the year 2021. Not only the leader of Germany, she served as a
美语听力2018-11-15 -
CNN News:美国警方逮捕炸弹包裹嫌犯
Updating another crime story. Investigators have also made an arrest in the case involving a number of suspicious packages that were addressed to more than a dozen prominent U.S. D
美语听力2018-11-14 -
CNN News:美国匹兹堡犹太教堂枪击案致11人死亡 枪手或被判死刑
Despite the cool and rainy weather Saturday night, crowds still gathered in the streets of the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
They were remembering, mourn -
CNN News:朝鲜和韩国解除共同警备区武装
What's been called the scariest place on earth is the sight of our next story. Despite it's name, the Demilitarized Zone, the border that separates North Korea and South Ko
美语听力2018-11-12 -
CNN News:美炸弹包裹案被列为国内恐怖主义 警方正在寻找嫌犯指纹和DNA
Up and down America's eastern seaboard a manhunt is going on and that's our first story this Friday on CNN 10. The names of prominent Democrats, an actor and director and a
美语听力2018-11-09 -
CNN News:奥巴马希拉里被寄炸弹包裹 北约举行最大规模军演
A number of suspicious packages caused alarm and evacuations Wednesday and a major government effort to find out who's responsible. The people they were addressed to included f
美语听力2018-11-08 -
CNN News:强飓风"威拉"袭击墨西哥 多地进入警戒状态
Three years to the day after a ferocious category 5 hurricane made landfall in Western Mexico, the region was bracing for another Pacific cyclone Tuesday evening. This time, it'
美语听力2018-11-07 -
CNN News:特朗普称美将退出中导条约 称因俄罗斯违反了该条约
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as it was also known, came to an end in 1991.
And with the collapse of the Soviet Union came the end of the Cold War. A period of intense -
CNN News:美国中期选举在即 两党争夺国会控制权
We are a little more than one week from Halloween, one month from Thanksgiving, two months from Christmas and exactly two weeks from a major electoral event coming this Fall, the U
美语听力2018-11-05 -
CNN News:大篷车移民向美推进 特朗普威胁中断援助
From Honduras to Guatemala to Mexico, a group of thousands has been making it's way through Central America and it's led to debates in Mexico and the U.S. over what to do a
美语听力2018-11-02 -
CNN News:俄罗斯升级加里宁格勒军事设施 引发北约担心
The first story on our last show of the week plays out between Northern and Eastern Europe. In a part of Russia called Kaliningrad, satellite imagery, shared exclusively with CNN,
美语听力2018-11-01 -
CNN News:美国8月职位空缺创历史新高 劳动力市场需求强劲
Help wanted. As of this August, there are more job openings in the U.S. than there've been at any point since the year 2000, when the Labor Department launched it's job ope
美语听力2018-10-31 -
CNN News:世卫组织召开会议讨论刚果埃博拉疫情
The Democratic Republic of Congo, a nation in Central Africa, isn't just dealing with conflict between government troops and armed rebel groups. It's dealing with a deadly
美语听力2018-10-30 -
CNN News:哈佛大学招生歧视亚裔案开庭 或影响美高校招生程序
A trial has begun in a U.S. District Court in Boston, Massachusetts and the case is expected to eventually make it to the U.S. Supreme Court. It concerns Asian-American college app
美语听力2018-10-30 -
CNN News:特朗普携妻子赴佛州视察飓风灾情 美国老牌百货西尔斯申请破产保护
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A very resilient state, that's what Governor Rick Scott says about Florida. The reason why is our first story today on CNN 10. After Hurricane Michael
美语听力2018-10-26 -
CNN News:特朗普谈记者失踪案称将严惩沙特 土耳其释放美国牧师
First story we're explaining today is how the mysterious disappearance of a journalist is having ripple effects around the world. Jamal Khashoggi is a columnist for the Washing
美语听力2018-10-25 -
CNN News:美股遭遇黑色星期三暴跌 利率上升和贸易紧张局势是元凶
This has not been a good week for the U.S. Stock Market. Monday and Tuesday stocks were flat for the most part. There wasn't a huge change in closing prices for the Dow Jones I
美语听力2018-10-24 -
CNN News:26年来最强飓风"迈克尔"登陆美国 佛罗里达州一片惨象
In recorded history, the Southeastern U.S. state of Florida has taken more direct hits from hurricanes than any other state. Wednesday afternoon it recorded another from Hurricane
美语听力2018-10-23 -
CNN News:美驻联合国大使黑利突然辞职 将于今年年底离职
Our first story is on the resignation of a U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Nikki Haley has held that position since January of 2017. She had been nominated by President Dona
美语听力2018-10-22 -
CNN News:飓风"迈克尔"来袭 美国佛罗里达州严阵以待
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to CNN 10. My name is Carl Azuz but it's the name Michael that's making headlines today. It's a storm that formed in the Car
美语听力2018-10-19 -
CNN News:卡瓦诺抗议声中就任美最高法院大法官
First up, an addition to the U.S. Supreme Court. Brett Kavanaugh, a federal appeals court, became a Supreme Court justice over the weekend after senators voted 50 to 48 to confirm
栏目广告位二 |