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CNN News:朝韩首脑会谈准备工作有条不紊 晚宴菜单公布
There've also been some rapid changes on the Korean peninsula. In late 2017, the international community placed the toughest sanctions, economic penalties that it's ever pu
美语听力2018-07-03 -
CNN News:总统任满改当总理遭抗议 萨尔基相宣布辞职
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A political crisis in Armenia leads of today's edition of CNN 10. I'm Carl Azuz. Glad to have you watching.
Armenia is a small landlocked nation -
CNN News:美国爆发大肠杆菌疫情 CDC呼吁民众停止食用长叶生菜
AZUZ: Romaine is another type that's getting attention for the wrong reason. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control is warning that a recent E. coli outbreak is connected to roma
美语听力2018-06-29 -
CNN News:法国总统马克龙对美国进行国事访问 加拿大多伦多发生汽车冲撞行人事件
And we're starting today's show with a bit of trivia. What nation is widely considered America's oldest ally? The answer to that France. It factors into our first repor
美语听力2018-06-28 -
CNN News:金正恩宣布朝鲜新战略路线 中止核导试验集中力量发展经济
Now, we're moving to Eastern Asia, where North Korea's leadership looks like it's making a major policy change. Over the weekend, the communist country said its quest for nuclea
美语听力2018-06-27 -
CNN News:尼加拉瓜爆发改革抗议活动 阿富汗选民登记中心遭炸弹袭击致57死
First place we're going to is Central America. There have been some violent protests over the past week in Nicaragua and the country's army have been deployed to protect Ni
美语听力2018-06-26 -
CNN News:古巴将确定新一任领导人 告别卡斯特罗时代
First story we're explaining today takes us to an island nation famously said to be 90 miles away from Key West, Florida, but which has a very different system of government th
美语听力2018-06-25 -
CNN News:美国中情局局长秘密访朝与金正恩会面 前总统老布什夫人逝世
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Never before has a sitting U.S. president met with the sitting leader of North Korea. But with plans for a meeting in the works, CNN 10 starts today by ex
美语听力2018-06-22 -
CNN News:美国最高法院考虑电商征收销售税 日本首相安倍晋三到访特朗普私人庄园
Today's show starts with a pair of significant cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The first involves part of a federal law that concerned immigrants to the U.S. It said -
CNN News:禁止化学武器组织调查叙利亚化武阴云
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons or OPCW is an independent organization. Its goals include getting rid of the chemical weapons that some countries have made
美语听力2018-06-20 -
CNN News:美英法联合打击叙利亚 俄罗斯伊朗谴责
On Friday night, the United States, the United Kingdom and France worked together to launch military strikes on the Middle Eastern country of Syria.
Today's show starts with a -
CNN News:习近平主席释放减税信号 解释中美贸易战对美国民众的影响
From the civil war in Syria, we're explaining a possible trade war between the U.S. and China —or is it all over before it could begin?
Earlier this week, Chinese President X -
CNN News:蓬佩奥参院确认听证 马克龙称法国找到叙利亚化武袭击证据
Our show begins with a pair of headlines. The first from Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., where CIA Director Mike Pompeo appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yes
美语听力2018-06-15 -
CNN News:美众议院议长不再竞选连任 共和党中期选举遭受打击
There's a significant change ahead for the U.S. House of Representatives and that's the first story we're explaining this Thursday on CNN 10.
Since 2015, Paul Ryan, a -
CNN News:扎克伯格国会作证 承认错误并致歉
AZUZ: Very different type of speaking event is also having an effect on the market. The stock price of the Facebook social media company went up yesterday when its CEO Mark Zuckerb
美语听力2018-06-13 -
CNN News:脸谱网采取举措增加透明性 CEO扎克伯格国会作证
AZUZ: Tens of millions of people will soon be able to see how they were affected by a data breach of their Facebook account, if they haven't already. The social media company s
美语听力2018-06-12 -
CNN News:叙利亚疑似发生化武袭击 境内军事目标遭袭击
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Was there an illegal chemical weapons attack in Syria over the weekend? And what could that lead to in the war-torn Middle Eastern country?
These are the -
CNN News:匈牙利大选移民成主要议题 肯尼亚惊现巨大裂缝
AZUZ: The issue of immigration also factors into our next story from the Central European nation of Hungary. It held a general election Sunday that's expected to give the natio
美语听力2018-06-08 -
CNN News:非法越境人数爆增 特朗普在美墨边境部署警卫队
And we're starting this Monday with a follow-up on a story we brought you last week. We reported that U.S. President Donald Trump was sending a number of National Guard soldier
美语听力2018-06-07 -
CNN News:特朗普打击移民又出新招 将派国民警卫队赴美墨边境
Our first report: soldiers with the U.S. National Guard, part of the military, are headed to the border between America and Mexico. President Donald Trump signed a memorandum earli
美语听力2018-06-06 -
CNN News:法国铁路局工人抗议政府改革计划 誓言罢工至6月底
AZUZ: From the Middle East, we're taking you to the European country of France, where a strike is causing severe disruptions in the nation's train services. France's st
美语听力2018-06-05 -
CNN News:特朗普宣称要从叙利亚撤军
U.S. President Donald Trump is talking about withdrawing American troops from the war-torn Middle Eastern nation of Syria. The Pentagon has said there are around 2,000 U.S. troops
美语听力2018-06-04 -
CNN News:美国民权首脑马丁·路德·金逝世50周年
We're starting with a look back at an event from April 4th, 1968, an event that changed a nation.
Fifty years ago today, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis -
CNN News:美韩启动鹞鹰军演 美多州教师举行抗议
AZUZ: Foal Eagle is the name of military drills being held right now between the U.S. and South Korea, two countries who've been allies since the Korean War ended in 1953 and w
美语听力2018-05-31 -
CNN News:中国对美国128项进口商品加征关税
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: For CNN 10, I'm Carl Azuz. We are 10 minutes of world news explained.
That starts today with tensions over trade between the U.S. and China.
The Asi
栏目广告位二 |