栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:美情报机构发布俄罗斯黑客报告 佛罗里达州一机场发生枪击事件
The first story we're covering this January 9th, the first official U.S. intelligence report concerning Russia and the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
It was ordered by Presi -
CNN News:美国会就俄干扰总统大选举行听证会
A congressional hearing yesterday in Washington, D.C. focused on global cyber threat and almost all of it centered on Russia, which the Obama administration accuses of hacking into
美语听力2017-01-13 -
CNN News:美大选黑客门加剧美俄紧张关系 联合国决议使美以关系恶化
And we are starting today by explaining the latest rift in the strain relations between the U.S. and Russia.
For months, the Obama administration has accused Russia of interfering -
CNN News:通过查看空气质量指数保护健康
Wednesday's air quality index in Atlanta, Georgia, miles away from any of the fires, was unhealthy. In Chattanooga, Tennessee, it was 151. What exactly does that mean?
CNN News:美国最高法院即将进入新会期
AZUZ: With eight justices and one vacancy, the U.S. Supreme Court is about a month into its newest session. It will probably run until the beginning of next summer.
The high court -
CNN News:美国伊朗舰船危险相遇 伊朗可能成为特朗普的难题
Unsafe encounters, that's how a U.S. military official describe some recent incidents in the Persian Gulf involving Iranian boats. Last month, seven Iranian fast attack boats r
美语听力2017-01-09 -
CNN News:美阿拉巴马州输油管道发生爆炸 汽油告急油价飙升
AZUZ: OK. Up next, a pipeline that shuttles gasoline to the U.S. Southeast has been shut down. Gas prices are going up in several states.
Gas shortages are possible in some areas. -
CNN News:伊拉克基督徒被迫离开家园
AZUZ: In the Middle Eastern country of Iraq, about two-thirds of the population is Shia Muslim and one-third is Sunni Muslim. The country's second largest religion is Christian
美语听力2017-01-05 -
CNN News:美国将免除总计高达1080亿美元学生贷款
One hundred eight billion dollars, that's the amount of student loan debt that the U.S. federal government is set to pay for in the coming years.
Why is that significant? Beca -
CNN News:夏洛特市黑人男子遭警察枪杀 检方认为察行为合法
AZUZ: Two months ago, we reported on the controversial of Keith Lamont Scott. He was a 43-year-old African-American man who was shot and killed by an African-American police office
美语听力2017-01-03 -
CNN News:世卫解除寨卡疫情紧急状态 中国研究对抗方法
AZUZ: It's been a while since we reported on the dangerous Zika virus, a disease carried by certain mosquitoes that are present all over the globe.
The World Health Organizati -
CNN News:土耳其埃及索马里连遭袭击 致上百人伤亡
AZUZ: Three world cities suffered three deadly terrorist attacks over the weekend. The first was in the Turkish city of Istanbul. On Saturday night, after a crowded soccer game, th
美语听力2016-12-29 -
CNN News:全球最大信息泄露事件 雅虎超10亿用户信息遭窃
AZUZ: It's not the kind of record anyone wants to set. The Yahoo technology company announced this week that it suffered what's probably the largest hack ever. To make matt
美语听力2016-12-28 -
CNN News:美国新政府即将就任 美朝关系走向成谜
Another international story we've been following concerns the secretive nation of North Korea. It's been a rival of South Korea and the U.S. since fighting stopped in the K
美语听力2016-12-27 -
CNN News:叙利亚政府军拿下阿勒颇 新停火协议生效
This is our last program of 2016 and it starts by taking back to the war-torn city of Aleppo. It's become a major flashpoint in Syria's brutal five-year-old civil war. Hund
美语听力2016-12-26 -
CNN News:美联储加息促进经济 房贷车贷均受影响
AZUZ: The U.S. Federal Reserve has just raised its key interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point. Let's explain that. The Fed is the central bank of the United States an
美语听力2016-12-23 -
CNN News:土耳其总统修宪扩权引争议 国内局势动荡不安
First up this Thursday, the nation of Turkey. It's often characterized as a bridge between East and West, or Asia and Europe. It's home to more than 80 million people and T
美语听力2016-12-22 -
CNN News:特朗普提名石油大亨为国务卿 择定前得州州长担任能源部长
AZUZ: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is filling his cabinet. It's like an executive board of directors, people who lead federal government departments like Agriculture, Heal
美语听力2016-12-21 -
CNN News:极地漩涡来袭 美国多地迎来最冷12月
Our first story this December 14th — baby, it's cold outside. Two-thirds of the United States, the eastern two-thirds, are seeing record-breaking winter temperatures. Some pla
美语听力2016-12-20 -
CNN News:朴槿惠遭弹劾 朝鲜演练攻占青瓦台
There've also been international hacking allegations on the Korean peninsula. South Korea recently accused North Korea of hacking into its military computer systems and then le
美语听力2016-12-19 -
CNN News:俄罗斯涉嫌干预美国总统大选 奥巴马下令彻查
And the first story we're looking at: U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered a full review of hacking related to U.S. elections going back to 2008. But a lot of the focus is g
美语听力2016-12-16 -
CNN News:叙政府军收复阿勒颇在即 暂停打击反对派平民撤离
Next in the Middle East. Aleppo used to be the most populated city in the nation of Syria. A large part of it has been abandoned and destroyed by years of civil war. Rebels who'
美语听力2016-12-15 -
CNN News:美国传奇宇航员格伦去世 特朗普当选时代周刊年度人物
First up today on CNN STUDENT NEWS: the passing of an historic American. John Herschel Glenn Jr. popularly known as John Glenn died yesterday at the age of 95. A large part of his
美语听力2016-12-14 -
CNN News:美俄关系日益紧张 新冷战恐到来
AZUZ: From shortly after World War II until 1991, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were the two main powers engaged in the Cold War. Now, a lot of experts and analysts have talked abo
美语听力2016-12-13 -
CNN News:印尼发生6.5级地震 救援工作仍在紧张进行
First story takes us to the fifth most populated country in the world, the Pacific island nation of Indonesia, home to more than 258 million people, and some of them are struggling
栏目广告位二 |