栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:叙利亚军方宣布停火结束 联合国救援车队遭袭
CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR:American communitieson edgeafter a violent night in Charlotte, North Carolina, and a shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That's first up on today
美语听力2016-09-27 -
CNN News:叙利亚军方宣布停火结束 联合国救援车队遭袭
We're getting started in the Middle East today with an update on what appears to be a crumbling situation in the nation of Syria.
"Just when we think it cannot get any worse, the -
CNN News:纽约爆炸案嫌犯落网 很多谜团仍有待揭开
First up, a terrorism suspect has been arrested by police after a fast- moving series of events in the U.S. states of New Jersey and New York. Yesterday, we told you about two expl
美语听力2016-09-26 -
CNN News:美国纽约和新泽西发生爆炸案 ISIS宣称对明尼苏达商城袭击案负责
CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: First up this Monday on CNN STUDENT NEWS, apparent acts of terrorism on U.S. soil.
I'm Carl Azuz. Let's go.
Police in Manhattan, an is -
CNN News:美国总统大选倒计时8周 带你了解竞选总统全过程
We are less than eight weeks away from Election Day in the U.S. and ten days away from the first presidential debate between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nomin
美语听力2016-09-21 -
CNN News:台风莫兰蒂逼近中国东南部地区 拜耳660亿美元收购孟山都
First up, it's been almost half a century since a storm this strong threatened southeastern China. Its name is Typhoon Meranti. It grew from the equivalent of a category one hu
美语听力2016-09-20 -
CNN News:叙利亚停火协议开始生效 值得期待却不容乐观
We're starting today with a glimmer of hope in a civil war. The Middle Eastern nation of Syria has been torn apart since 2011. The United Nations estimates that 400,000 Syrians
美语听力2016-09-19 -
CNN News:卡梅伦彻底退出英国政坛 回顾欧盟的前世今生
We're starting our international events coverage with news from the United Kingdom. David Cameron, who was Britain's leader three months ago, has resigned altogether from the Bri
美语听力2016-09-18 -
CNN News:美国即将进入流感季 医生建议接种疫苗
In the U.S., flu season starts next month. It's a time when flu epidemics often break out in the country. The Centers for Disease Control says it can last from October to May. Thi
美语听力2016-09-14 -
CNN News:研究称空气污染可能增加阿尔茨海默病风险
OK, next story. Air pollution, it's well-documented that it can cause lung problems. But can it hurt the human brain. Researchers at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom
美语听力2016-09-13 -
CNN News:美国大选进入两个月倒计时 特朗普支持率领先希拉里
This show's date is Thursday, September 8. That puts it exactly two months before the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Here are the candidates: businessman and TV personality -
CNN News:美国在老挝遗留8千万颗未爆炸弹 奥巴马承诺援助9000万美元拆弹
First up, the remnants of a secret war. We're taking you to the Asian country of Laos. It's a landlocked communist nation located between Thailand and Vietnam. And during t
美语听力2016-09-09 -
CNN News:G20峰会上演习奥会和普奥会 350年前伦敦几乎毁于大火
Today's news starts in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou. China was the site of the annual G20 Summit.
G20 stands for group of 20, powerful world leaders from 19 countries, -
CNN News:SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭爆炸 G20峰会在杭州召开
Two stories out of the U.S. state of Florida lead things off.
First, a setback for SpaceX. It's a private space exploration company that has a contract from NASA, and one of i -
CNN News:巴西史上首位女总统罗塞夫被弹劾罢免 欧洲难民危机持续蔓延
We've got a story out of South America starting things off. The leader of Brazil was officially impeached yesterday. Brazilian lawmakers voted 61 to 20 to remove President Dilm
美语听力2016-09-06 -
CNN News:欧盟裁定苹果补缴爱尔兰146亿税款 芝加哥市沦为犯罪频发地
First order of business, we're breaking down an economic story concerning the European Union and a well-known tech company.
Apple, like many global companies, has its European -
CNN News:美国进入飓风季 专家支招应对
Starting with the drought that's been going on. It's not one you might have heard of.
The Atlantic hurricane drought — it's been more than 10 years since a category t -
CNN News:意大利地震遇难人数升至281人 救援响应迅速
First story today takes us to the Southern European nation of Italy. A powerful earthquake struck there last week, its epicenter in the central part of the country. It killed at le
美语听力2016-09-01 -
CNN News:最新民调显示希拉里支持率领先特朗普 朝鲜再次试射潜射弹道导弹
Now, it's time to talk politics. There's this little thing that's been going on, you might have heard something about it. It's called the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
With -
CNN News:地震夷平意大利小镇 解读地震预警系统
The mayor of Amatrice, which is located in central Italy, says his town is no more. When a powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck early Wednesday, Amatrice was at the epicenter.
美语听力2016-08-30 -
CNN News:伊拉克打响解放摩苏尔之战 欲年内夺回第二大城
Since 2014, we talked a lot about a terrorist group named ISIS. That stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. And that's what ISIS wants to create based on its severe interpret
美语听力2016-08-29 -
CNN News:一名联邦法官阻止奥巴马的厕所法案 张家界玻璃桥正式开放
First up, a U.S. federal judge's ruling on the controversial policy of the Obama administration. It concerns gender and schools.
The background: in May, the White House recomm -
CNN News:土耳其局势动荡 寨卡病毒扩散至迈阿密
First up today, turmoil in Turkey. It's a country that joins southeastern Europe with southwestern Asia. And for the past year, it's been struggling with political upheaval, dome
美语听力2016-08-25 -
CNN News:美国加州山火肆虐 干旱助长火势蔓延
We're starting today's ten minutes of news coverage in the U.S. state of California. There are currently nine large wildfires burning there. Tens of thousands of acres have been
美语听力2016-08-24 -
CNN News:路易斯安那遭遇历史性洪水 已致11人死亡
One story we've been following this week is the historic flooding in the U.S. state of Louisiana. A by the numbers look helps us explain how bad it is, especially in Southern L
栏目广告位二 |