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大学英语综合教程 第一册 unit 2a


[05:58.40]"Like it says there,"he answered,
[06:02.37]"about all we had to spend in those days was time."He shook his head: "Time."
[06:10.63]I thought the next paragraph of the letter was a little sad:
[06:15.88]I began the letter with "Old Friend"
[06:20.55]because that's what we've become over the years-old friends.
[06:26.90]And there aren't many of us left.
[06:30.87]"You know,"I said to him,
[06:34.53]"when it says here that there aren't many of us left,that's absolutely right.
[06:41.48]Every time I go to a class reunion,for example,
[06:46.60]there are fewer and fewer still around."
[06:50.96]"Time goes by ,"the driver said.
[06:55.32]"Did you two work at the same place?"I asked him.
[07:00.18]"No,but we hung out on the same corner when we were single.
[07:05.74]And then,when we were married,
[07:09.27]we used to go to each other's house every now and then.
[07:14.94]But for the last20 or 30years it's been mostly just Christmas cards.
[07:21.29]Of course there'd ve always a note we'd each add to the cards-
[07:27.24]usually some news about our families,you know,
[07:32.60]what the kids were doing,who moved where,a new grandchild,things like that-
[07:39.86]but never a real letter or anything like that."
[07:44.72]"This is a good part here,"I said.
[07:48.87]"Where it says Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me,
[07:56.32]more than I can say because I'm not good at saying thing like that.
[08:02.59]"I found myself nodding in agreement.
[08:06.71]"That must have made you feel good,didn't?"
[08:10.95]The driver said something that I couldn't understand
[08:16.27]because he seemed to be all chocked up,
[08:20.43]so I continued:
[08:23.80]"I know I'd like to receive a letter like that from my oldest friend."
[08:29.65]We were getting close to our destination so I skipped to the last paragraph.
[08:36.21]So I thought you'd like to know that I was thinking of you.
[08:41.48]And it was signed,Your Old Friend,Tom.
[08:47.12]I handed back the letter as we stopped at my hotel.
[08:52.06]"Enjoyed talking with you,"I said as I took my suitcase out of the cab.
[08:58.51]Tom?The letter was signed Tom?
[09:03.79]"I thought your friend's name was Ed,"I said."Why did he sign it Tom?"
[09:11.94]"The letter was not from Ed to me,"he explained.
[09:17.17]"I'm Tom.It's a letter I wrote to him before I knew he'd died.
[09:24.74]So I never mailed it."
[09:28.58]He looked sort of sorrowful,
[09:32.66]or as if he were trying to see something in the distance.
[09:37.70]"I guess I should have written it sooner."
[09:42.06]When I got to my hotel room I didn't unpack right away.
[09:48.62]First I had to write a letter-and mail it.
[09:55.17]cabbie/be lost in/windsield/cab
[10:08.73]available/apologetically/or something/go ahead
[10:21.48]know by heart/ estimate/ might as well/ not much of
[10:37.41]keep up/correspondence/practically/kid
[10:46.79]all the way/ neighborhood/sort of/lose touch
[10:57.74]a couple of/guy /tough/on one's mind
[11:07.90]keep in touch/come up/shrug/urge
[11:28.54]go by/hang out/every now and then/mostly
[11:38.57]awful/ choke/ choke up/ destination
[11:48.83]skip/ sorrowful/ in the distance/ unpack
[11:59.86]right away