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To The Light 每天一歌 好听英文歌 经典英文歌

2009-06-30 10:50:21来源:和谐英语

追寻阳光 Newton Faulkner - To The Light

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这个貌似大叔的唱作者25岁不到,却留着牛顿一样的长卷发,唱着欢快跳跃的歌儿。2007年的专辑《Hand Built By Robots》飙到UK排名第一连他自己都无比惊讶。

To The Light

Newton Faulkner

I'm taking a break because I'm losing it again
And I wanna relate without you thinking I'm insane.
Oh, it's the same another train. Just sitting around with record in my brain.

You could have everything you wanted
But you would still be wanting more.
Cos the sun is always in your eyes.
You search for stillness on a rock. Thats spinning round and round and you're surprised.

Take a break from all i know
Just sit back and let it flow.
Then I find I've broken through.
To the light again.

Everytime I find I'm thinking about the things I wanna.
That is the time I have nothing to sing.
And everytime I'm thinking about things that don't matter.
That is the time I see everything.

I want to know lord why it's got to be so hard.
I want to know lord why it's got to be so hard.
I feel like a muppet with a drunken puppeteer but I'll survive.
I will survive.

Take a break from all I know
Just sit back and let it flow.
Then I find I've broken through.
To the light again.
To the light again.

Take a break from all I know.
Just sit back and let it flow.
Then I find I've broken through.
To the light again.

简 介

无可否认,UK排行榜对于耳朵来说,绝对比Billboard靠谱儿多了。Newton Faulkner是个新名字,定义为唱作人的标签令人有点兴趣。这个仅有22岁、留着Michael Boton一样的长发、长得像牛顿大叔一样的英国音乐人在自己的blog里写:"天勒,我不敢相信这张专辑居然拿到了第一名!"事实上它确实值得一听。
    第一首歌密集的木吉他节奏显然是一个良好的开始。带着点乡村风情的《To the light》是整张专辑中最好听的一首曲目。后面一二首略带流行意味,本来略有失望,想着你不可能要求在这个流行的大环境里成长起来的年轻人做的每首歌都indie。谁想峰回路转,《Dream catch me》《Feels like home》几首又显出了他粗粝的某些特质的深厚的编曲能力,当然,当然,最令人拍桌大叫的还是等第七首曲子出来--Love love is a verb,是的,翻唱Massive Attack的名曲《Tear drop》,足够令你激动你逝去的青春。Newton Faulkner用他略显疲态又显然受了根源民谣影响的嗓音缓缓把它唱出,别有一番风情。
