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When Sun Falls On My Feet 每天一歌 好听英文歌 经典英文歌

2009-11-24 11:19:54来源:和谐英语

瑞典清新:脚下的阳光 When Sun Falls On My Feet

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When Sun Falls On My Feet


sometimes the sky looks dirty

just before it rains

afterwards, the sun falls on my feet

your body

I hardly remember how it feels

dunno how we looked before we fell asleep


believe me
I don't want to feel the way I do
and I know you need someone, too
to feel you
one who'll let his lips just light your eyes
someone to make you feel just ilke floating

have you ever read "The Servant"?
have you ever sang along
to the lines of "Hand In Glove"
as if they were your own?
do you wear the ring i gave you?
have you seen the photograph
of you and me in paris?
oh, look into my eyes
say I did not love you
say that I was cruel
ask me to believe you
claim that I'm a fool
sure, I do forgive you
but how will I forget...?

 Starlet 星卉乐团,与Acid House Kings、Club 8齐名之瑞典Swedish-Pop四人乐团。

    97年发表首张专辑“From the One You Left Behind”,而前作“Stay On My Side”更获美国著名另类音乐杂志Spin专属网站选为全年最佳专辑第15名。

    2000年以第二张专辑Stay On My Side青涩腼腆的风格,不仅成功地掳获各地的Indie-Pop爱好者,成为继Acid House King、Club 8后又一重要的瑞典乐团名字,其魅力就连美国知名音乐杂志Spin,也在专属网站上列入当年最佳专辑第15名,而他们还是很年轻的四个大男孩。
