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Only You Can Save Me 每天一歌 好听英文歌 经典英文歌

2011-06-30 11:47:07来源:和谐英语

Only You Can Save Me

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盛产童话故事的北欧,当地时间6月19号全球的目光都聚集到瑞典的首都斯德哥尔摩,因为这一天在那里举办了一场公主维多利亚与平民韦斯特林的世纪婚礼,据报道全球共有5亿人共同见证这次婚礼。因为门不当户不对,公主与平民间的爱情故事也颇有周折,但是最终仍然走进了婚姻的殿堂。Darin以此为背景专门创作的这首《Can’t Stop Love》在这种场合中听起来就别有味道。

Only You Can Save Me


I feel you in the air
Floating through the atmosphere
You're dancing on the stars
You're presence's everywhere
But when I shut my eyes
It's heavy on my heart
When you're not even here

Without you I would fall apart
I'm safe when I am in your arms
And only you can set me free
And only you can save me

Without you I would fall apart
I'm safe when I am in your arms
And only you can set me free
And only you can save me

I can hear your laughter
Echos in my eardrums
The treble and the base
Kills every inch of pain
The comfort in your voice
Is all I ever need to hear
You take away my fears
I have no other choice

Without you I would fall apart
I'm safe when I am in your arms
And only you can set me free
And only you can save me

Without you I would fall apart
I'm safe when I am in your arms
And only you can set me free
And only you can save me

Save Me~~~~~~~~~~~~

Without you I would fall apart
I'm safe when I am in your arms
And only you can set me free
And only you can save me

Without you I would fall apart
I'm safe when I am in your arms
And only you can set me free
And only you can save me
And only you can save me

Save Me~~~~~~~~~~~~
