
高中英语必修模块2 05


[00:21.50]a.复杂的,综合的      n.情节结构           a.多样的             v.陈述
[00:22.00]row                  symbolic             tassel
[00:22.50]v.划船               a.象征的             n.穗,缨
[00:23.00]symbolism            general
[00:23.50]n.象凭征主义         n.将军,a.全面的,
[00:24.00]Lesson 19
[00:25.00]combine              potential            unbearable           persevere
[00:25.50]v.(使)联合           n.潜能,潜力          a.无法忍受的         v.坚持
[00:26.00]achieve              talent               worldwide            intense
[00:26.50]v.完成,取得          n.才干,才能          a.全世界的           a.强烈的,激烈的
[00:27.00]admit                root                 identity             appearance
[00:27.50]v.容许,承认          n.根                 n. 身份              n.出现,外貌
[00:28.00]shave off            hairstyle            transform
[00:28.50]剃去                 n.发型,发式          v.0转换,转化
[00:29.00]Lesson 20
[00:30.00]breakdance           the Charleston       flamenco             the twist
[00:30.50]n.霹雳舞             n.查尔斯顿舞         弗拉门科舞           n.旋转舞
[00:31.00]waltz                sword                colourfu             Swan Lake
[00:31.50]n.华尔兹舞           剑                   a.富色彩的,华美的    天鹅湖
[00:32.00]the Nutcracker       ordinary             generation           skip
[00:32.50]n.胡桃夹子           a.平常的,普通的      n.一代,一代人        v.跳,急速改变