
高中英语必修模块2 09

[00:00.00]和谐英语学习网 Unit 6               Design
[00:-1.00]Lesson 21            A Matter of Taste Chinese Prints
[00:-2.00]This exhibition starts on 1 July at the Newman Galleryin Dinham
[00:-3.00]and ends on 15 September.At 6:00 p.m.on Friday 3 July
[00:-4.00]there will be a talk on Chinese painting by Dr Alison Enwright
[00:-5.00]In August there will be talks on Chinese culture.
[00:-6.00]Opening times:Mon.-Sat.from 10 a.m.to 6 p.m.
[00:-7.00]Admission:FreeXu Beihong(1895-1953) was important in modern Chinese folk art.
[00:-8.00]During his lifetime,he developed the tradition of combining poetry,
[00:-9.00]calligraphy with painting.
[00:10.00]Between 1933 and 1940,
[00:11.00]he held a number of exhibitions in Asia and Europe to promote Chinese art.
[00:12.00]Across the painting,named Racing Horse,
[00:13.00]we can see a horse galloping at high speed.
[00:14.00]On the left and right side of the painting,
[00:15.00]Xu cleverly drew in black ink to show the moving hair on the horse's mane and tail
[00:16.00]He also used different shades of grey in a creative way
[00:17.00]to show the sweat along the horse's body.
[00:18.00]The painting of dark and light colours is a favourite of many art critics.
[00:19.00]Qi Baishi (1863-1957)was one of China's greatest painters.
[00:20.00]He worked as a wood carver during his early youth.
[00:21.00]Then between 1902 and 1909, he travelled across the country
[00:22.00]and painted many landscapes.
[00:23.00]His interest changed later to simple images from everyday life,
[00:24.00]such as vegetables,flowers, birds and insects.
[00:25.00]Cabbage is a well known example of Qi's work.
[00:26.00]The tiny insect near the cabbage has some red on its back.
[00:27.00]Its shiny black eyes,which are fixed on the cabbage,
[00:28.00]show the creature's interest in the vegetable.
[00:29.00]Qi Baishi's style of painting
[00:30.00]often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.
[00:31.00]Chen Yifei (1946- ) is a very successful artist.
[00:32.00]His soft portraits of beautiful women are very valuable.
[00:33.00]In 1997, one of his paintings sold for US$503,000.
[00:34.00]The painting, named Poppy, is a classic example of Chen's artistic style.
[00:35.00]In the painting, a young woman sits alone and is deep in thought.
[00:36.00]Her hand holding the fan is elegantly positioned above her knees.
[00:37.00]To emphasise the woman even more,
[00:38.00]Chen adds a lot of details to her dress and fan,
[00:39.00]and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.
[00:40.00]Lesson 23            Chinese Paper Art
[00:41.00]Chen Zijiang is a paper-cutting expert whom I interviewed recently.
[00:42.00]Paper-cutting is something that he learned to do from an early age.
[00:43.00]I talked to him to find out more about paper-cut art.
[00:44.00]'Paper-cutting is a Chinese folk art with a long history,'says Mr Chen.'
[00:45.00]Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs
[00:46.00]which dale back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty (386-589).
[00:47.00]By the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279),
[00:48.00]paper-cutting had become an important part of everyday life
[00:49.00]For example,a young farmer who wanted a wife would
[00:50.00]look at a young woman's paper-cutting skills to choose his bride.
[00:51.00]According to Chen Zijiang, there are three types
[00:52.00]of paper cutswhich people like to make.
[00:53.00]One type is used for decorating windows,walls, gates and lanterns.
[00:54.00]These paper cuts are put up during holidays to bring good luck.
[00:55.00]For the same reason,the are used to decorate presents.
[00:56.00]A present for parents whose child was born recently,
[00:57.00]for example, might feature pictures of children or eggs.
[00:58.00]Paper cuts which feature the Chinese character
[00:59.00]for double happiness are commonly used to celebrate weddings.