
高中英语必修模块2 09


[-1:00.00]Another type of paper cuts is used for religious purposes.
[-1:-1.00]These paper cuts are often used as temple decorations
[-1:-2.00]or offerings to the dead People to whom the dead person was related
[-1:-3.00]would make these offerings on special days and during festivals.
[-1:-4.00]A third kind of paper cuts is used in the design of other crafts.
[-1:-5.00]For example, a paper cut may be used as a pattern  for embroideryon clothing
[-1:-6.00]or a pattern on a jewellery box.
[-1:-7.00]For newcomers to paper-cutting,
[-1:-8.00]Mr Chen suggests practising easy designs such as snowflakes.
[-1:-9.00]I have scissors,paper and a lot of determination.Hopefully.
[-1:10.00]I'll also have a snowflake too.
[-1:11.00]Lesson 24            Dream Houses
[-1:12.00]The House on Mango Street
[-1:13.00]we didn't always live on Mango Street.
[-1:14.00]Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor,
[-1:15.00]and before that we lived on Keeler.
[-1:16.00]Before Keeler it was Paulina,and before that I can't remember.
[-1:17.00]But what I remembered most is moving a lot.
[-1:18.00]Each time it seemed there'd be one more of us.
[-1:19.00]By the time we got to Mango Street we were six -Mama, Papa, Carlos,
[-1:20.00]Kiki, my sister Nenny and me.
[-1:21.00]The house on Mango Street is ours, and we don't have to pay rent to anybody,
[-1:22.00]or share the yard with the people downstairs,
[-1:23.00]or be careful not to make too much noise,
[-1:24.00]and there isn't a landlord banging on the ceiling with a broom.
[-1:25.00]But even so, it's not the house we thought we'd get.
[-1:26.00]We had to leave the flat on Loomis quick.
[-1:27.00]The water pipes broke
[-1:28.00]and the landlord wouldn't fix them because the house was too old.
[-1:29.00]We had to leave fast.
[-1:30.00]We were using the washroom next doorand carrying water over in empty milk gallons.
[-1:31.00]That's why Mama and Papa looked for a house,
[-1:32.00]and that's why we moved into the house on Mango Street,
[-1:33.00]far away, on the other side of town.
[-1:34.00]They always told us that one day we would move into a house,
[-1:35.00]a real house that would be ours so we wouldn't have to move each year.
[-1:36.00]And our house would have running water and pipes that worked
[-1:37.00]And inside it would have real stairs, not hallway stairs,
[-1:38.00]but stairs inside like the houses on TV
[-1:39.00]And we'd have a basementand at least three washrooms
[-1:40.00]so when we took a bathwe wouldn't have to tell everybody.
[-1:41.00]Our house would be white with trees around it,
[-1:42.00]a great big yard and grass growing without a fence.
[-1:43.00]This was the house Papa talked about when he held a lottery ticket
[-1:44.00]and this was the house Mama dreamed up in the storiesshe told us before
[-1:45.00]we went to bed.
[-1:46.00]But the house on Mango Street is not the way they told it at all.
[-1:47.00]It's small and red with tight steps in front and windows
[-1:48.00]so small you'd think they were holding their breath.
[-1:49.00]Bricks are crumbling in placesand the front door is
[-1:50.00]so swollen you have to push hard to get in.
[-1:51.00]There is no-front yard,only four little elms the city planted by the curb.
[-1:52.00]Out back is a small garage for the car we don't own yet
[-1:53.00]and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side.
[-1:54.00]There are stairs in the house,but they're ordinary hallway stairs,
[-1:55.00]and the house has only one washroom.
[-1:56.00]Everybody has to share a bedroom -Mama and Papa,
[-1:57.00]Carlos and Kiki, me and Nenny.