栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:特朗普解雇FBI局长科米引政治风暴
Today, reporters got a chance to ask President Trump why he did it.
NPR News2017-05-12
UNIDENTIFIED JOURNALIST: Why did you fire Director Comey?
NPR News:文在寅当选韩国新总统 即刻火速上岗
After one president was impeached and removed from office, South Koreans today elected a new president. He's a liberal human rights lawyer whose parents were North Korean refug
NPR News2017-05-11 -
NPR News:法国选出最年轻总统 马克龙面临多重挑战
So the other big news we are following this morning is this.
NPR News2017-05-10
GREENE: France has a new president today. You're -
NPR News:印度最高法院维持黑公交强奸案4名被告死刑判决
India's Supreme Court has upheld the death penalty for four men. The defendants had fatally gang raped a young woman on a bus in the capital in 2012. The case shocked the country.
NPR News2017-05-09 -
NPR News:特朗普签署宗教自由行政令 放宽对宗教团体参政限制
President Trump rolled out a long-awaited executive order today. He said it would protect Americans' religious freedom from government interference.
NPR News2017-05-08
NPR News:朝鲜证实扣押第三名美国人 或打算以此为谈判筹码
North Korea now says it is holding a third American. An accounting instructor was trying to leave the country when officials detained him. He's being held while officials look
NPR News2017-05-05 -
NPR News:希拉里败选后首次接受采访 不甘认输怪罪FBI和俄罗斯
Today Hillary Clinton gave her first public interview since the election. She said she believes actions late in the campaign by FBI Director James Comey along with the release of e
NPR News2017-05-04 -
NPR News:朝鲜再射导弹 美国务卿敦促国际社会加大对朝鲜施压
On day 99 of the Trump administration, North Korea fires another test missile. It was reportedly an unsuccessful test, but the effort only heightens the tension between that countr
NPR News2017-05-03 -
NPR News:特朗普政府公布税改计划 只有一页纸却槽点满满
The Trump administration wants to seize what it calls a once-in-a-generation opportunity to overhaul the nation's tax code. Today they outlined some of the changes the presiden
NPR News2017-05-02 -
NPR News:美国吸金名嘴涉嫌性侵 福克斯忍痛开除
TV host Bill O'Reilly won't be returning to Fox News from that holiday — ever. This afternoon, the controlling owner of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, announced that the network
NPR News2017-04-28 -
NPR News:委内瑞拉经济衰退 爆发反政府游行
A different kind of march happened in Venezuela today. Hundreds of people took to the streets dressed in white to honor those killed in anti-government protests over the past month
NPR News2017-04-27 -
NPR News:法国大选首轮投票结束 马克龙和勒庞晋级决赛
And then there were two. France went to the polls yesterday, and now two candidates are headed for a runoff two weeks from now. Those candidates are pro-EU centrist Emmanuel Macron
NPR News2017-04-26 -
NPR News:阿富汗军队驻地遭塔利班袭击 致数百人伤亡
We turn now to a developing story in Afghanistan. More than 100 people are reported dead from a Friday attack on an Afghan military base, making it the deadliest attack there since
NPR News2017-04-25 -
NPR News:巴黎发生杀警枪击案 枪声笼罩法国大选
In Paris, three police officers have been shot days before the French presidential election. The French interior ministry says the officers were shot by a man as they sat in a poli
NPR News2017-04-24 -
NPR News:英国首相宣布提前大选 意在确保脱欧进程顺畅
British Prime Minister Theresa May made a surprise announcement today calling for early elections in the U.K. this June. She said it was a necessary move as the country heads into
NPR News2017-04-21 -
NPR News:美国副总统彭斯访韩 警告朝鲜勿试探美国决心
Vice President Mike Pence is in South Korea as part of his trip to Asia. And while there, he sent a warning to North Korea.
NPR News2017-04-20
NPR News:土耳其总统宣布公投修宪派获胜 反对派质疑公投结果
We start the show with a look at today's referendum in Turkey. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is declaring victory after unofficial returns appear to show voters opting to scrap t
NPR News2017-04-19 -
NPR News:美国首次在阿富汗向ISIS投下炸弹之母
President Trump's administration has yet to clarify just how it may shift some U.S. foreign policies. But it is sending signals. It's not clear how the president intends to resol
NPR News2017-04-18 -
NPR News:美国务卿访俄见普京 美俄关系走向仍是谜
Let's take a close look now at relations between the U.S. and Russia, beginning with a two-hour meeting at the Kremlin. Russian President Vladimir Putin sat down with U.S. Secr
NPR News2017-04-17 -
NPR News:股价受重创又遭抵制 美联航CEO再就驱客道歉
At one point today, United Airlines stock was down nearly 4 percent, a loss of more than $900 million, as investors tried to assess damage from a public relations disaster. Cellpho
NPR News2017-04-14 -
NPR News:埃及两所教堂发生自杀式爆炸袭击 ISIS声称对此负责
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for yesterday's suicide bombings in Egypt. More than 40 people died. The attack on the two churches marks an escalation in violence
NPR News2017-04-13 -
NPR News:美国打击叙利亚空军基地 美俄关系面临考验
All morning, we've been following the aftermath of last night's missile strike by the U.S. in Syria. Two U.S. Navy destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean launched Tomahawk
NPR News2017-04-12 -
NPR News:瑞典斯德哥尔摩一辆卡车冲入人群 致数人伤亡
We're getting word this morning of some breaking news out of Stockholm, Sweden. A truck crashed into a department store there, killing at least three people, injuring many others.
NPR News2017-04-11 -
NPR News:波兰政府废除试管婴儿项目
We're going to turn our attention now to Poland because the government there is facing the ire of a lot of women over family-planning issues. Last fall, an attempt to ban abortion
NPR News2017-04-10 -
NPR News:联合国安理会就叙利亚袭击召开紧急会议 美或再绕开联合国单边行动President Trump has called an apparent chemical weapons attack in Syria an affront to humanity. His envoy to the United Nations says if the Security Council won't act, the U.S.
NPR News2017-04-07
栏目广告位二 |