栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:波兰砍伐原始森林 欧盟将其告上最高法院
Poland is at odds with much of the rest of the European Union. This is because its government cracks down on everything from press freedom to public demonstrations. The country has
NPR News2017-07-24 -
NPR News:特朗普与普京曾在G20峰会上二次交谈
The White House has confirmed that President Trump had a second conversation with Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit at Hamburg earlier this month, one that had not been previously
NPR News2017-07-21 -
NPR News:微软默认字体Calibri可能导致巴基斯坦总理下台
It's often said that what brings down a politician is not a crime but the cover-up. People use that saying in the United States and may be near using it in Pakistan. The prime
NPR News2017-07-20 -
NPR News:伊朗判一美国公民10年监禁 美伊关系恐进一步恶化
We now know what happened to an American grad student who disappeared in Iran months ago. An Iranian news outlet is saying that he is still in Iran and has been sentenced to 10 yea
NPR News2017-07-19 -
NPR News:土耳其未遂政变一周年 镇压行动仍在继续
Today marks the one-year anniversary of a failed coup in Turkey. Civilians rushed into the streets to resist the coup after a call by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Nearly 250 of
NPR News2017-07-18 -
NPR News:特朗普访法晤马克龙 为小特朗普辩护
Politics is not the nicest business. That's the explanation President Trump offered today for his son's decision to meet with a Russian lawyer last year in hopes of obtaini
NPR News2017-07-17 -
NPR News:巴西前总统卢拉被判入狱9年半 巴西政坛再添变数
Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has been convicted of corruption. He's been sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison. Right now he's free pending appeal.
NPR News2017-07-14 -
NPR News:小特朗普公布涉俄邮件 特朗普称赞其高素质
When Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer last June, did he break any U.S. laws? That question got new attention today after the president's son released an email exchang
NPR News2017-07-13 -
NPR News:伊拉克总理宣布战胜ISIS 完全收复摩苏尔
Iraq's prime minister traveled to Mosul yesterday to declare the city liberated from the Islamic State. This battle has run for months, and now much of the city is emptied. At
NPR News2017-07-12 -
NPR News:特朗普同普京首次会晤 多次提及俄干预美大选
President Trump was scheduled to meet for about half an hour today with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Instead their meeting stretched on more than two hours as the leaders disc
NPR News2017-07-11 -
NPR News:德国民众抗议G20峰会 与警方激烈冲突
SORAYA SARHADDI NELSON, BYLINE: And I'm Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson also in Hamburg. Choosing this city as the venue for the summit is a big security and political gamble for Angela
NPR News2017-07-10 -
NPR News:也门霍乱肆虐致1600人死亡 一天新增5000例
The World Health Organization says it is the worst cholera outbreak in the world. In Yemen, close to 1,600 people have died from the disease in the last two months. An estimated 5,
NPR News2017-07-07 -
NPR News:朝鲜宣布成功试射洲际导弹 特朗普推特回应
North Korea now claims it can send a nuclear missile anywhere in the world.
NPR News2017-07-06
KELLY: That's the way -
NPR News:土耳其举行大规模游行示威 抗议总统埃尔多安的政治镇压
Thousands of Turks are on their way from their capital, Ankara, to Istanbul 250 miles away by foot. They are marching in protest. Patrick Kingsley, a reporter for The New York Time
NPR News2017-07-05 -
NPR News:德国联邦议院通过同性婚姻合法化法案
In Germany's Parliament today, lawmakers cast a vote they'd been discussing for about 25 years, a vote to make the German marriage law open to all.
NPR News2017-07-04
NPR News:澳红衣主教被警方指控涉性侵 教皇弗朗西斯面临强大压力
Police in Australia have formally charged that country's highest-ranking Catholic with what they term historical sex crimes. Cardinal George Pell is also the Vatican economy mi
NPR News2017-07-03 -
NPR News:委内瑞拉高法遭空投手榴弹 阴谋四起说法不一
Last night in Caracas, a police helicopter circled over the Venezuelan Supreme Court building. Someone in the helicopter apparently threw grenades down at the court. This comes as
NPR News2017-06-30 -
NPR News:新一轮勒索病毒来袭 欧洲多国大面积感染
A cyberattack has struck government agencies, airports, banks and other businesses in at least six countries. Victims include the drug company Merck, the Russian oil-giant Rosneft
NPR News2017-06-29 -
NPR News:莫迪访美特朗普白宫设宴招待 有共识但分歧依然存在
President Trump is hosting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the White House today. Now, India has long enjoyed a strategic partnership with previous U.S. administrations. But
NPR News2017-06-28 -
NPR News:沙特等国向卡塔尔提严苛复交要求 危机或恶化
Saudi Arabia and its allies have presented 13 demands to the small Gulf country of Qatar, demands like shut down Al-Jazeera, the network watched by tens of millions of people acros
NPR News2017-06-27 -
NPR News:英女王宣布政府未来计划 将确保英国脱欧后稳定
Queen Elizabeth laid out the agenda for the United Kingdom's beleaguered government today, and the focus of course was Brexit.
NPR News2017-06-26
NPR News:沙特王室王储易主 国王废侄立子
There has been a sudden change in the leadership in Saudi Arabia. The number two to the throne has been kicked out, and the number three has now moved up to number two. This is how
NPR News2017-06-23 -
NPR News:从朝鲜获释美大学生死亡 曾因盗窃宣传横幅被判15年劳教
NPR News2017-06-22
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I just wanted to pass on word that Otto Warmbier has just passed away. He spent a year and a half in North Korea. A lot o -
NPR News:伊朗向叙境内ISIS据点发射导弹 美国击落叙利亚战机
What you're listening to there is audio from Iranian state television last night. They were broadcasting live the launch of ground-to-ground missiles into eastern Syria targeti
NPR News2017-06-21 -
NPR News:特朗普宣布收紧美国对古巴政策 美古关系再遇冷
Today President Trump announced that he's canceling the deal President Obama made to re-engage with Cuba.
NPR News2017-06-20
栏目广告位二 |