栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:传俄罗斯利用社交媒体干预美国大选并激化美国其他争端
The 2016 election is over, and yet Russia is still using social media to influence public opinion in the U.S. about all sorts of things.
NPR News2017-09-30
NPR News:沙特解除妇女禁驾 女司机明年6月可上路
In Saudi Arabia, women are celebrating the king's decision allowing women to drive.
NPR News2017-09-29
MADEHA AL AJROUSH: As a woman, I really feel that my self-dignity and respect is returned. -
NPR News:伊拉克库尔德独立公投遭各方反对
Iraqi Kurds held an election today that most of the world did not want to happen. It's a referendum on Kurdish independence from Iraq. Voters are expected to support it strongl
NPR News2017-09-28 -
NPR News:特朗普新旅行禁令出炉 美最高法取消旧禁令听证会
The Supreme Court has canceled a planned hearing on the merits of President Trump's travel ban. This comes after the White House late last night issued a new version of the ord
NPR News2017-09-27 -
NPR News:默克尔赢得德国大选成功四连任 二战后极右翼政党首次被选入议会
Germans went to the polls today to vote in federal elections. As the polls predicted, Angela Merkel's conservatives won the most votes, and she will remain chancellor. But the
NPR News2017-09-25 -
NPR News:特朗普要退出伊朗核协议 伊朗总统批其言论无知
AILSA CHANG: For the first time since he took office, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met face-to-face with his Iranian counterpart, the Iranian foreign minister. They met behind
NPR News2017-09-25 -
NPR News:墨西哥地震逾两百人遇难 32年抹不去的伤痕
This is a morning when we are covering a couple natural disasters there's Hurricane Maria a dangerous storm impacting Puerto Rico. And also we had the 7.1 magnitude earthquake
NPR News2017-09-22 -
NPR News:特朗普联大发言强调美国优先 称金正恩是火箭人
Just a few minutes ago, President Trump took the stage at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. It was his debut at the U.N. Addressing world leaders, Trump used the wor
NPR News2017-09-20 -
NPR News:朝鲜弹道导弹再次飞越日本上空
In Japan, people in the northern region of Hokkaido woke up to sirens and instructions to take cover.
NPR News2017-09-20
KELLY: This after North Korea again fired a ballistic -
NPR News:伦敦地铁发生爆炸致多人受伤 警方定性为恐怖袭击
A bomb went off in a London subway train this morning, injuring more than 20 people. The explosion shot flames through the subway car, burning commuters. Police are calling it a te
NPR News2017-09-18 -
NPR News:巴塞罗那100万人大游行 支持加泰罗尼亚独立公投
So somewhere near a million people were rallying in the streets of Barcelona last night. It was the annual holiday in Spain's autonomous northeast region of Catalonia. But this
NPR News2017-09-18 -
NPR News:默多克收购天空公司还需等待 英国监管部门将进一步审核
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch and his sons are learning the cost of scandal. The British government is putting up some serious obstacles to a $15 billion takeover the family had sough
NPR News2017-09-14 -
NPR News:法国爆发反劳动法改革游行 马克龙首次面对街头抗争
French President Emmanuel Macron says he wants to dramatically change the country. One of his first moves was to overhaul the labor code. That brought out thousands of French union
NPR News2017-09-14 -
NPR News:联合国安理会一致通过对朝鲜新制裁决议
The U.N. Security Council is stepping up the pressure on North Korea. It has voted unanimously on a new sanctions resolution. This comes after North Korea's latest nuclear test
NPR News2017-09-13 -
NPR News:百年罕见强震撼动墨西哥 遇难人数升至60余人
And while Hurricane Irma threatens South Florida, dozens of people are dead in southern Mexico after a massive earthquake there on Thursday night. The United States Geological Surv
NPR News2017-09-11 -
NPR News:亚马逊50亿美元建第二总部 美国市长争相竞逐
Amazon has been on a tear in recent months. It just closed a high-profile deal to buy the grocery chain Whole Foods. It's working to fulfill a pledge of hiring a hundred thousa
NPR News2017-09-11 -
NPR News:美国白宫暂时放弃终止与韩国的自由贸易协议
President Trump has said that he wants the country to begin withdrawing from the 5-year-old Korean-U.S. free trade agreement. Tonight Reuters is reporting that a senior administrat
NPR News2017-09-08 -
NPR News:奥巴马发声指责特朗普政府废除DACA移民计划
The Trump administration is winding down a program that protects young immigrants from deportation, those who entered the country illegally as children. It has paved the way for ne
NPR News2017-09-07 -
NPR News:缅甸武装冲突致400人死亡
In Myanmar, tens of thousands of people are fleeing violence, escaping across the border to neighboring Bangladesh. The people on the run are part of a Muslim minority in this most
NPR News2017-09-05 -
NPR News:朝鲜再次进行核试验致6.3级地震 国际社会纷纷谴责
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: (Speaking Korean).
NPR News2017-09-04
That is North Korean state television announcing its claim that it has conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test yet. This is North -
NPR News:富国银行虚假账户数量增加 多起丑闻不断发酵
The financial world was shaken in 2016 when it became clear that Wells Fargo opened millions of accounts with fake information or without customers' permission. Now it turns out t
NPR News2017-09-04 -
NPR News:国际铀银行在哈萨克斯坦开张 助力阻止核扩散
North Korea's missile launch took place on the same day as a very different kind of launch, a new initiative aimed at avoiding precisely the kind of nuclear weapons program Nor
NPR News2017-09-01 -
NPR News:朝鲜试射弹道导弹再度飞越日本 安倍与特朗普通话商讨对策
Japan is on high alert today after North Korea launched another missile, this time over the northern island of Hokkaido. This isn't the first projectile they've sent over J
NPR News2017-08-31 -
NPR News:特朗普将赴得州飓风灾区慰问 为特赦铁腕警长辩护
President Trump says he will go to Texas tomorrow to visit victims of Hurricane Harvey. The president talked about that visit during a White House news conference this afternoon. H
NPR News2017-08-30 -
NPR News:三星副会长李在镕被判刑5年 辩护律师提出上诉
A court in South Korea has found the leader of Samsung guilty in a corruption case involving South Korea's former president. A Seoul court sentenced the billionaire, Jay Y. Lee
NPR News2017-08-29
栏目广告位二 |