栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:美国务卿蒂勒森称美国愿与朝鲜无条件对话
Well, the U.S. secretary of state has a message for North Korea. Here is Rex Tillerson speaking yesterday.
NPR News2017-12-15
NPR News:伊拉克举行阅兵总理阿巴迪检阅 庆祝全面击败ISIS
Iraq is celebrating the defeat of ISIS. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi over the weekend declared December 10 the country's newest national holiday. He presided over a huge mili
NPR News2017-12-14 -
NPR News:美国纽约地铁发生爆炸 市长称是未遂恐袭
We are learning more about the man who's suspected of setting off an explosion in a crowded corridor between two New York City subway stations this morning. Police are calling
NPR News2017-12-13 -
NPR News:驻刚果联合国维和部队遇袭 安理会表示谴责
Officials at the United Nations are stunned after a deadly attack yesterday on peacekeepers. It happened in a remote part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Fourteen peacekeepers
NPR News2017-12-12 -
NPR News:日本海岸再现幽灵船 船只国籍不明可能来自朝鲜
We'd like to talk now about an issue that's causing concern in North Korea that has nothing to do with the country's recent nuclear test. Last Monday, a small wooden bo
NPR News2017-12-11 -
NPR News:特朗普承认耶路撒冷为以色列首都 或引发中东新一轮震荡
President Trump today reversed a decades-long policy on the Middle East.
NPR News2017-12-08
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Today we finally acknowledge the obvious — tha -
NPR News:俄罗斯被禁止参加2018平昌冬奥会 运动员可以中立身份参赛
Russia has been banned from next year's Winter Olympics. The International Olympic Committee made the decision because of what it calls the systematic manipulation of Russia
NPR News2017-12-07 -
NPR News:也门前总统萨利赫被胡塞武装打死 地区紧张局势进一步加剧
Ali Abdullah Saleh, the longtime ruler of Yemen, has been killed. Saleh ruled Yemen for 34 years until he was ousted during the Arab Spring uprising in his country. He left Yemen f
NPR News2017-12-06 -
NPR News:美国通俄门再起波澜 白宫前国安顾问弗林承认作伪证
President Trump's national security adviser for 24 days, Michael Flynn, is cooperating with the special counsel Robert Mueller after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about h
NPR News2017-12-05 -
NPR News:特朗普转发反穆斯林推特惹恼英国
President Trump went on Twitter to give his opinion of NBC's firing of Matt Lauer. He asked when the top executives at the network would be fired for, quote, "putting out so mu
NPR News2017-12-04 -
NPR News:朝鲜时隔两个半月再射导弹 射程可覆盖整个美国
The Pentagon believes North Korea has tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, or ICBM, that has flown higher than any one of its previous tests. Here's reaction from the
NPR News2017-12-01 -
NPR News:英国哈里王子与美国女演员订婚 明年春天办喜事
All right. Some royal wedding news to share this morning — Prince Harry is getting married. He is set to wed his fiance Meghan Markle next spring. You might recognize Markle. She&
NPR News2017-11-30 -
NPR News:埃及清真寺恐袭致300余人死亡 为该国现代史上最致命袭击
Egyptian authorities say more than 300 people are dead after the worst attack by Islamic extremists in that country's modern history. It happened at a mosque in the Sinai Penin
NPR News2017-11-29 -
NPR News:津巴布韦新任总统姆南加古瓦宣誓就职 强调重振经济
After 37 years with one leader, Zimbabwe has a new president. Emmerson Mnangagwa was sworn in today at a stadium in the capital Harare.
NPR News2017-11-28
NPR News:普京同多国领导人举行会谈 力图恢复俄罗斯的世界地位
We begin this hour in Russia where President Vladimir Putin is working to build alliances with leaders the U.S. often distances itself from. On Monday, Putin hosted Syrian Presiden
NPR News2017-11-27 -
NPR News:波黑前塞族总司令姆拉迪奇被判终身监禁
It must have seemed at times that justice would never come for many victims of the Bosnian War in the 1990s. The ethnic conflict was horrific between Serbs, Croats and Muslims. It
NPR News2017-11-24 -
NPR News:默克尔联合组阁谈判破裂 执政前景堪忧
One of the most politically stable countries in Europe is in crisis today. Angela Merkel has been chancellor of Germany for 12 years. But her party didn't have a great showing
NPR News2017-11-23 -
NPR News:特朗普将朝鲜重新列入支持恐怖主义国家名单
President Trump said today he's putting North Korea back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. The announcement came during a cabinet meeting.
NPR News2017-11-21
NPR News:肯尼亚发生暴力冲突 最高法院将裁定重选结果
Political violence continues in Kenya. Four people were killed overnight, and a member of Parliament was shot in the leg today during confrontations with police. It all comes just
NPR News2017-11-20 -
NPR News:津巴布韦军方夺取 总统穆加贝被软禁
Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe, has held power for nearly four decades. We may be witnessing the end of that era now. The military says it's holding Mugabe and his wife unde
NPR News2017-11-17 -
NPR News:印度首都新德里空气污染严重 或将实施车辆限行等举措
For part of the weekend, United Airlines suspended flights to New Delhi. The reason was over health concerns. India's capital is engulfed in what's being described as a thi
NPR News2017-11-17 -
NPR News:两伊边境地震已造成伊朗530人死亡 伊朗结束搜救
Let's get a picture of life near the Iran-Iraq border after an earthquake. This is a situation where the numbers don't quite express it all, but the numbers themselves are
NPR News2017-11-16 -
NPR News:黎巴嫩总理哈里里再上电视否认被软禁 称将很快回国
One more bit of international news for you. Last week, Lebanon's prime minister, Saad al-Hariri, suddenly resigned from his post in a televised address from Saudi Arabia. The r
NPR News2017-11-15 -
NPR News:普京和特朗普在APEC峰会进行多次接触 就叙问题发表联合声明
President Trump says he's had several short conversations this weekend with Vladimir Putin. Both leaders were in Vietnam for a gathering with other Asia-Pacific leaders. Trump
NPR News2017-11-14 -
NPR News:AT&T收购时代华纳受阻 美国司法部要求先卖了CNN
President Trump has made it very clear how he feels about CNN.
NPR News2017-11-13
MARTIN: So we know that. But here&
栏目广告位二 |