栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:委内瑞拉前总检察长出逃巴西 指控总统马杜罗腐败
As Venezuela's president, Nicolas Maduro, becomes increasingly autocratic, he's gathering enemies. One of the most influential of those is a lawyer from within his own gove
NPR News2017-08-28 -
NPR News:美国削减对埃及经济和军事援助
The Trump administration is withholding aid to Egypt out of human rights concerns. The move seemed to catch Egyptian officials off-guard. It came as Jared Kushner, the president
NPR News2017-08-25 -
NPR News:特朗普就阿富汗战争发表演讲 美增派3900名军人赴阿富汗
NPR's Tom Bowman has spent the day at the Pentagon, looking into what's to come in Afghanistan, what U.S. military tactics may be moving forward and what defines victory th
NPR News2017-08-24 -
NPR News:美国海军驱逐舰与商船相撞 今年已连发四起
Today the Navy ordered an operational review of its entire fleet after an early morning accident off the coast of Singapore. The destroyer USS John S. McCain collided with an oil t
NPR News2017-08-22 -
NPR News:泥石流致塞拉利昂近500人遇难 刚果200余人遇难
And now, we turn to Africa, where mudslides have devastated two countries. Flash floods in Freetown, Sierra Leone, triggered the side of Mount Sugarloaf to collapse last Monday, bu
NPR News2017-08-21 -
NPR News:西班牙巴塞罗那恐怖袭击致13死 阿尔卡纳尔发生爆炸
Thirteen people are dead after a van plowed into a crowded historic pedestrian street in Barcelona, Las Ramblas. Officials say about 100 are injured, many critically. Police are ca
NPR News2017-08-21 -
NPR News:多名美企CEO辞职 特朗普无奈解散商界顾问委员会
When Donald Trump was running for president, he said people should vote for him because of his great success in business. But this week, business leaders have been deserting him. T
NPR News2017-08-18 -
NPR News:特朗普授权对华展开贸易调查 中美或爆发贸易战
By some estimates, U.S. companies lose as much as $300 billion a year to China because of the theft of intellectual property. Today President Trump formally asked the U.S. trade re
NPR News2017-08-17 -
NPR News:特朗普开口谴责种族主义和白人至上主义
Two days after white supremacists clashed with counter-protesters in the streets of Charlottesville, Va., President Trump said today that racism is evil, and he specifically denoun
NPR News2017-08-16 -
NPR News:美国弗州暴动已致3人死亡 汽车冲撞人群警察直升机坠亡
On screens around the country and the world, people saw an America yesterday where extremists and racists felt no need to hide behind masks or hoods. The event was billed as a prot
NPR News2017-08-15 -
NPR News:肯尼亚反对派要求宣布前总理获胜
What looked like a peaceful presidential election in Kenya has turned violent. Kenyans went to the polls on Tuesday. They were choosing between the incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta and his
NPR News2017-08-11 -
NPR News:朝鲜扬言打击关岛回应特朗普威胁
President Trump has responded to North Korea's threat to use nuclear weapons with some threatening words of his own. At the same time, his secretary of state is trying to sooth
NPR News2017-08-11 -
NPR News:以色列总理内塔尼亚胡腐败案添新证
For months now, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been at the center of a corruption investigation. And now, there's a big development. Netanyahu's former chief
NPR News2017-08-10 -
NPR News:委内瑞拉挫败叛乱
News out of Venezuela over the past several months has been chaotic and grim. Protests and violence there have become a daily reality. This morning, we got reports of a possible mi
NPR News2017-08-09 -
NPR News:朝鲜遭联合国最严厉制裁 出口收入恐锐减三分之一
North Korea is facing tough new sanctions over its nuclear program. The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously to impose the new sanctions just yesterday. U.S. Ambassador Nikki Ha
NPR News2017-08-07 -
NPR News:特朗普政府成员各说各话 美国对朝态度成谜
The question of what to do about North Korea has kept generations of U.S. policymakers awake at night. It's also taken on greater urgency this summer with North Korea's missile t
NPR News2017-08-07 -
NPR News:特朗普正式签署对俄制裁法案 称新法案有严重缺陷
President Trump signed a bill today that he says is significantly flawed. It imposes new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea and also constrains the president's power. It
NPR News2017-08-07 -
NPR News:土耳其政变最大规模审讯 500名疑犯列队上庭受审
In Turkey, the government's crackdown has entered another chapter — a mass trial in the capital, Ankara.
NPR News2017-08-02
NPR News:委内瑞拉选举引发暴乱 美国宣布对委总统马杜罗个人实施制裁
Months ago, Venezuela's president, Nicolas Maduro, ordered a rewriting of his country's constitution to give himself sweeping new powers, a move that's provoked violent protest.
NPR News2017-08-02 -
NPR News:俄罗斯开始报复 普京宣布驱逐755名美国驻俄外交及相关人员
In Russia today, President Vladimir Putin said his country will expel 755 U.S. diplomatic and technical staff from Russia by September 1. Putin's announcement came during an in
NPR News2017-08-01 -
NPR News:富士康在美建厂 为美国创造3000个就业岗位
A huge new factory is coming to Wisconsin. That's something President Trump might have said when he announced that the world's largest electronics manufacturer, Taiwan-base
NPR News2017-07-28 -
NPR News:英国宣布2040年起禁售汽油和柴油汽车
Leaders in the U.K. want to make it illegal to drive a car with a gasoline or diesel engine. Britain's environmental secretary says the country will ban the sale of new gas or
NPR News2017-07-28 -
NPR News:特朗普女婿否认与俄罗斯勾结干涉美大选
President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser insists he did not collaborate with Russian officials during the 2016 presidential election.
NPR News2017-07-27
NPR News:美卡车偷渡案致10人死亡 嫌疑人面临非法贩运人口指控
We're going to hear the latest now about a horrific human smuggling case in San Antonio. A tractor-trailer was discovered there yesterday. It was parked in a Walmart parking lo
NPR News2017-07-26 -
NPR News:白宫新闻团队发生大变动 发言人斯派塞闪电辞职
President Trump has ordered some changes at the White House. Trump today hired New York financier and TV commentator Anthony Scaramucci as his new communications director. And as h
NPR News2017-07-25
栏目广告位二 |