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BBC都市掠影:New Year's Day Parade 伦敦庆元旦大游行



The script of this programme 本节目台词 
Lily: Happy New Year and welcome to On the Town from BBC Learning English. I’m Lily. Have you ever heard about the New Year’s Day Parade in London?
Yang Li: 今天我要为大家献上一份新年特别礼物, 这就是伦敦庆元旦大游行现场报道.

Lily: Well, I am joining big crowds of people in parliament square where the 3 hour parade has just started.

Yang Li: 伦敦庆元旦大游行不仅规模宏大, 场面壮观, 而且有越来越多的外国表演队前来助兴.

Lily: So what is unique about the New Year’s Day Parade in London? Dan Kirby is the Communications Director of the New Year’s Day programme.


Well, it’s a most eclectic collection, most quintessentially British items you will ever see in one event.

Yang Li: 他说,伦敦大游行是一场令人大开眼界的活动,表演多姿多彩,而且最具英国特色。Eclectic 广博的;Quintessential 就是典型;完美的。

Lily: This year the parade celebrates its 21st anniversary of bringing extraordinary entertainment to thousands of people every year.

Yang Li: 不过,元旦大游行这一传统又是如何开始的呢? So Dan, how did the tradition of the London parade begin?