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BBC都市掠影:The Millennium Bridge 千禧桥



The script of this programme 本节目台词  

John: June 2000, and London saw the opening of its first pedestrian-only bridge, the Millennium Bridge, between St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Tate Modern art gallery. It was quite a day and within minutes hundreds of people had come to see the new bridge and to walk across it.
Oliver: I’m Oliver.

John: And I’m John, and in this edition of On The Town we’re investigating the Millennium Bridge.

Oliver: 千禧桥。

John: It was designed by the architect Lord Norman Foster, and has a very sleek, silvery appearance.

Oliver: 桥梁的设计者是一名建筑师,an architect。 银色的桥梁呈现出圆滑的造型。A sleek and silvery appearance。

John: It has a very modern look, and it’s also a suspension bridge.

Oliver: 吊桥 a suspension bridge。

Oliver: Now, I hear that there was a problem when the bridge opened to the public in 2000.

John: There was. A big problem!

Oliver: What was it?

John: The bridge wobbled!

Oliver: It wobbled, 桥是晃动的!

John: The day the bridge opened hundreds of people walked across it and it started to sway in a disconcerting way! It took two years for the bridge to be secured and made rigid.

Oliver: 工程师们不得不给桥梁重新加固,rigid,两年之后,千禧桥才得以再次向公众开放。接下来我们会听到桥梁设计者、建筑师 Norman Foster 接受 BBC 采访时的录音。

John: Did the architect find it frustrating that the bridge had to be closed for two years?