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BBC都市掠影:Big Ben 大本钟



The script of this programme 本节目台词  

John: Welcome to On The Town with me John.
Chen Li: And me Chen Li.

John: Today we're going to investigate one of the most famous London landmarks.

Chen Li: What is it John?

John: Big Ben.

Chen Li: 这显然是一个不错的选择,要知道它可是伦敦最著名的景点之一,吸引了大量的游客。大本钟, Big Ben.

John: The BBC spoke with author and London expert Philip Arlor about Big Ben, and he's gone out to investigate.

Chen Li: 菲利浦是个作家, he's an author, BBC 派他前往大本钟去探个究竟。

John: Here's his report.


If I tell you that I'm standing in front of Big Ben, most of you will know at once that I'm outside the Houses of Parliament in London. Of course there'll be a handful of listeners who think Big Ben is a wrestler or a grisly bear, but you're the ones who don't get out much. Just about everyone knows that Big Ben is the Houses of Parliament's clock tower, which means just about everyone is wrong. Because if truth be told, and I do like a bit of truth once in a while, Big Ben is actually the name of the bell, which through the magic of radio and a piece of good timing on my part, should start bonging away shortly!

John: OK, we'll be going back to Philip in a moment. First though, he used some interesting phrases there – let's have a closer look at them shall we Li?

Chen Li: Sure! 菲利普使用了一个术语. 当谈论很快就完成的一个动作时,你就需要用到 at once, 立刻,立即,at once.

John: And Philip was standing outside Big Ben, which is next to The Houses of Parliament.

Chen Li: Ah, yes, The Houses of Parliament, 议会大厦,英国政府的很多大事都是在这里决策下来的。

John: Now Li, you do know what Big Ben is don't you?

Chen Li: I do indeed!

John: Well, Philip explained that for those people who do not know what Big Ben is, they might mistake it for the name of a wrestler!

Chen Li: A wrestler,摔跤选手。

John: Or a grisly bear!