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The script of this programme 本节目台词

Sun Chen: Where are we? This place is like Jurassic Park. 这个地方,怎么那么像电影侏罗纪公园啊?

Neil: That's true. Welcome to On the Town from BBC Learning English, I'm Neil. This is the programme where we visit some of the most interesting places in London.

Sun Chen: 还有我,孙晨。我们今天的 On the Town 我们要去伦敦最著名的一个景点。那我们今天到底要去哪儿呢?

Neil: Well, standing here in front of this enormous dinosaur, there's only one place we can be – the Natural History Museum.

Sun Chen: Dinosaur – 恐龙。我们今天来的,就是伦敦的自然历史博物馆。

Neil: Here's Chloe, who works here at the museum.


We're standing right at the entrance of our central hall. Right in front of us we've got Dippy, our diplodocus, who stands about the height of two people at the highest point.

Neil: Entrance Hall.

Sun Chen: 入口大厅。

Neil: In the entrance hall there's a life-size model of a diplodocus skeleton. Life-size.

Sun Chen: 实际大小– life-size 是一支梁龙。这里展出了这支恐龙的骨骼. 那英国人平时都管这梁龙叫什么呢?

Neil: Its nickname is Dippy. Nickname.

Sun Chen: 就是外号。说起来,英语当中的外号,的确在生活当中到处都是。通常呢,就是在名字后面,加上 "y" 就行了。比如说Jim/Jimmy, Rob/Robby, Mick/Micky.

Neil: But the Natural History Museum's not just about skeletons. You can also see life-size, moving models of dinosaurs.

Sun Chen: 你在这里,还能看到能动的,跟实际大小一样的恐龙。 Are they scary – 这些看着不害怕吗?

Neil: What do think Chloe?


They're surprisingly scary. They're the most realistic we've ever made. They're formed by the latest research. They move, they chew, they can be seen to even poo in places.