BBC都市掠影:Carnaby Street 卡尔纳比街
The script of this programme 本节目台词
Andrea: Trillby hats and hipsters…
Jean: …mods and rockers…
Andrea: Yes, we’re talking about the clothes and people you used to find on one of London’s most famous streets.
Jean: It’s Carnaby Street
Andrea: Hello I’m Andrea Rose
Jean: 大家好,我是董征。
Andrea: Welcome to On the Town with BBC Learning English.
Jean: 今天我们的话题就是伦敦的卡纳比大街Carnaby Street.
Andrea: The 1960s were the era or time when Carnaby Street was at its peak.
Jean: 如今这里是旅游者的观光之地。
Andrea: So what do people think of when they hear the name, Carnaby Street?
When I think of Carnaby Street of course I think of the sixties and swinging London. Of course I wasn’t alive at the time but we see so much of this in films and on TV so that’s what I automatically think of.
Jean: The swinging sixties. 充斥着摇摆舞音乐的西方60年代。
Andrea: The 1960s were swinging because they were a time of the sexual revolution - people were taking drugs and young people felt very free.
Jean: 他们感觉得到了解放 – They felt liberated..
Andrea: That’s what that a person thinks of when she hears the name Carnaby Street. That’s what she automatically thinks of.
Jean: Automatically- 自动的,自然而然的.
Andrea: Of course, Carnaby Street wasn’t always the place where people went for fun and fashion. In the 1790s the street was known as a place for buying tobacco. People went there to buy pipes to smoke.
Jean: 不幸的是那段激动人心的时期过后,卡纳比大街就被废弃了the street became derelict.
Andrea: Percy Dobson has owned a shop in Carnaby Street for over 60 years.