
牛津书虫系列《五个孩子和沙精》Chapter4 附中英双语文本


Soon Robert was the most exciting thing to see at the fair,and Bill was making a lot of money. ' Much more than fifteen pounds!' Cyril said to the girls.
Poor Robert got very bored. He had to shake hands with everybody and talk, to show that he was real. And how could he escape at the end of the day?' They'll kill us when I go small again,' he said.
Cyril thought for a minute. Then he said,' I've got a plan,'and he went outside the tent to talk to Bill. 'Look here,' he said,' my brother must be alone when the sun goes down. He gets very strange and angry then. I don't know why, but you must leave him alone, or he'll hurt someone. '
Bill was not very happy about this, but he agreed, and when the sun went down, they left Robert alone. Robert quickly got out under the back wall of the tent, and no one knew who he was because he was just a small boy again.
The children ran all the way home— and we do not know what Bill said when he found that Robert was not there!