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CRI English Unit 51:At Disneyland 玩转迪斯尼



Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3 

(in Tomorrowland)
Mom: What rides do you want to try here?
Tony: I want to go on Space Mountain!
Mom: Sorry, sweetie. I think you're too small for that ride.
Tony: No way! I'm already ten!
Mom: See. You have to be at least three-foot-four. You're two-foot-eight.
Tony: I hate being short for my age!
Mom: Don't worry. You'll grow to three feet by the end of the year. Let's go on the Astro Orbitor ride!
(After the ride)
Tony: I wanna go again, Mom!
Mom: Why don't we make rounds to the other areas and come back?
Tony: Oh, look! Space Ice! It's red and blue! I want some!
Mom: That might ruin your appetite. How about after lunch?
Tony: But I'm hungry now! Oh! There's a hot dog stand!
Mom: Sure, why not? I guess that can count as lunch.
Tony: I want two!
Mom: OK, but I bet your eyes are bigger than your stomach.


1. 对话中,他们来到了Tomorrowland,明日乐园,是迪斯尼乐园中的一个主题公园。Tony想玩“太空山”,就是Space Mountain。但是妈妈说,Tony太小了,还不能玩。Tony不信,说No way! I'm already ten! 不可能!我都10岁了。No way!在这里表示“不可能!”。

2. 妈妈指给Tony看告示牌,上面说身高至少要达到三英尺四英寸才能上去玩,而Tony只有2英尺8英寸高。Tony很生气,说I hate being short for my age! 我长的比同龄人矮,真讨厌!for one's age,表示“以某人的年龄来说,显得相当…”,这个句型常用来形容“行为举止”与同龄的人有差异。比如说,要表达“你比同龄人成熟/聪明”,我们就可以说,You're so mature /smart for your age. 但是一般来说呢,for one's age常用在表示比同龄者表现差的情形,比如说,---Haha! That's so funny! ---That's mean. Aren't you acting a little immature for your age? ---哈哈!真是太好玩了!---那很不好。都这把年纪了,你不觉得自己太不成熟了吗?

3. 妈妈安慰Tony说,不用担心,年底他就会有3英尺高了,现在他们要去玩Astro Orbitor,就是“太空轨道车”,跟前面的Space Mountain一样,都是明日乐园里面的游乐设施。Tony觉得还没有过瘾,还想再玩一遍,这时妈妈说,他们可以到其他游乐区兜一圈再回来。make rounds的意思是“照着顺序走完一遍,也可以说do the rounds或者go on the rounds.

4. 这时Tony突然看见了有卖“太空冰”的,Space Ice,是一种在明日乐园里卖的冷饮。I want some! 就表示“我想要一点”。但是妈妈不同意说,现在吃冰会害Tony没有胃口吃午饭了,不过可以午饭过后再吃。Tony又看见了卖热狗的摊子,就想吃一个热狗,妈妈说,没问题,因为热狗可以当作午饭了,count as表示“算得上是,可以称作是”。

5. Tony真是非常饿了,说想吃两个热狗,妈妈笑他说,OK, but I bet your eyes are bigger than your stomach. 我敢确定你是眼睛大,肚子小,一定吃不了。这句话还是挺形象的。

Dialogue Script 4  对话原文 4 

Tony: Look! There's Buzz Lightyear! I wanna go talk to him!
Mom: I'll stand in line for the hot dogs, and you go stand in line to talk to him.
Tony: Cool! I'll be right back.
Mom: Remember your manners!
Tony: I will. Oh, no! Look at all the kids around him! And he's walking that way!
Mom: He seems to be in demand. You'd better line up quick before he goes too far. I'll be over there.
Tony: OK, bye. (runs off) Wait! Buzz! Don't walk away!
(Talk to Buzz Lightyear)
Buzz: Do you want to be an astronaut when you grow up?  
Tony: I think I'd rather be you! I want to work at Disneyland!
Buzz: By the time you grow up, you might be able to do both. They might have Disneyland in space one day.
Tony: Awesome!
Buzz: Just remember to study hard in school, so you can do whatever you want! Hey, where are your parental figures?
Tony: Ha-ha! Space talk, huh! I gotta go. See ya later! Maybe in space!


1. 对话中,妈妈在排队买热狗,Tony跑去跟Buzz Lightyear巴斯光年玩,妈妈还叮嘱他要注意礼貌,Remember your manners!

2. 不过巴斯光年身边围了很多小朋友,而且还朝另一个方向走了。看来这个巴斯光年还很受孩子们的欢迎,be in demand表示“受欢迎的,很多人抢着要的”。

3. 妈妈让Tony赶快去排队,要不然巴斯光年就走远了。终于轮到Tony跟巴斯光年说话了。巴斯光年问Tony长大了想当宇航员吗?Tony说I think I'd rather be you! 我觉得我比较想当你。I'd rather be...,就是“我宁可变成/成为…”的意思。 

4. 因为Tony想在迪斯尼乐园工作,这样就可以每天都来玩了。巴斯光年却说,也许等Tony长大了的时候,他就想干这两样工作了,因为到那时候可能太空中就会有迪斯尼乐园了。Tony说那就太好了,awesome就是“太棒了,非常好”的意思。在口语中很常用。巴斯光年趁机告诉Tony要用功读书。

5. 巴斯光年又问Tony他的“双亲生物体”在哪里,Where are your parental figures?这里的parental figures其实就是“父母亲”,parents。而figure是指“符合某种特定功能、角色定义的生物”,那么这里把人看作figure,是为了让巴斯光年讲话听起来更像太空人而特别设计的“太空人说话模式”,就是space talk。

6. Tony跟巴斯光年道了别,要走了,I gotta go.或者I've gotta go.

Part 3 Tony Gets Lost Tony迷路了

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1

(Later, Tony gets lost. Pluto finds him)
Tony: Mom! Mom! Moooooooom!
Pluto: Hey, little guy! Calm down! Did you lose your mom? Where did you last see her?
Tony: She went to buy hot dogs and was going to wait for me there. But I can't find her.
Pluto: How long ago was that?
Tony: I don't know. What if I don't find her? (starts to cry)
Pluto: Don't cry. We'll find her. We'll go page her. Now, what's your name?
Tony: Tony Stuart.
Pluto: I'll take you where they can page people. They'll take down all your infomp3ation and help you find her, OK?
Tony: Oh, man! She's gonna be so mad! I won't get my souvenirs, and I'll be grounded. Hey, you're talking!
Pluto: You just realized that? Don't tell anyone! It's our secret-just calm down first. I'm an expert in stray moms. (takes off his Pluto head) Wanna try this on?
Tony: Wow! I'd love to! (tries it on)


1. 对话中,Tony迷了路,到处都找不到妈妈,吓得大叫起来。这时一个卡通人物形象Pluto走了过来,安慰他不要哭,问他最后一次看到妈妈是什么时候。Tony说妈妈去买热狗,然后在这里等他,可是现在她不见了。

2. Tony想如果找不到妈妈了怎么办,What if I don't find her? what if 就表示“要是…,该怎么办”。Tony开始哭起来,Pluto说要去广播找人,用的是page这个词,表示“通过广播呼叫寻人”。

3. Pluto又问了Tony的姓名,还带他去广播寻人的地方,他们会记下Tony的资料,帮他找到妈妈。Tony害怕了,说他走丢了,妈妈一定会非常生气,不仅不会给他买纪念品,他回家后还会被关禁闭,连门都不能出了,be grounded就是“被禁足,被禁止出门”的意思。

4. 突然Tony意识到Pluto竟然开口说话了。Pluto告诉Tony不用着急,他可是找走失妈妈的专家。I'm an expert in stray moms. stray 在这里的意思是“走失的”,stray mom就是“走失的妈妈”,因为对小孩子来说,是妈妈不见了 。另外呢,流浪狗是stray dog。要提醒大家的是stray一般不用来形容人。这里用stray来形容人是因为Pluto的身份,大家别忘了,Pluto本身就是狗的卡通形象,所以就应该用狗的思维说话了。

5. 他为了安慰Tony,把Pluto的头罩脱了下来,问Tony要不要试试。Tony 当然是求之不得了。I'd love to. 这个句子表示“欣然同意”,比如说,---Wanna go to the movies with me? ---Yes, I'd love to. ---想跟我一起去看电影吗?---当然了,我很乐意。

6. 如果在I'd love to.后面加上but,就有“推托”的意思了,比如说,---Would you like to go out for dinner with me tonight? ---I'd really love to, but I have had plans already. ---今晚一起吃饭好吗?---我很乐意,但是我已经另外有约了。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Mom: Can you help me?
Sam: Yes, ma'am. Lose your kid? Can you describe him for us? 
Mom: Yes. Ten years old, two-foot-eight, light brown hair, green eyes. And he's got an adorable face... sweet voice...
Sam: Calm down, ma'am. We always find our little guests. Don't worry. What's he wearing?
Mom: A yellow Disney T-shirt - like half of the kids here. His name is Tony Stuart.
Sam: I'll page him.
(After hearing the page, Pluto takes Tony to his Mom)
Mom: Tony! Honey! I looked for you everywhere! Oh, thank you, Pluto!
Tony: His name is Walt. He's so cool. He's actually a college student.
Mom: That's cool! Now, Tony, no more wandering after Disney characters.
Tony: I won't. In fact, I don't want to be one. Those costumes are smelly! I'm going to be an astronaut.
Mom: Well, that's cool...here's your hot dog. Thank you again, Pluto. Hot dog?
Pluto: My pleasure. And um...I'm one, one very hot dog...


1. Tony不见了,这边妈妈也是心急如焚。她找到了工作人员Sam,请他广播寻找Tony。她描述了一下Tony的体态特征,越说越想念Tony,开始哭起来。Sam安慰她说,冷静点,他们总是能成功找到园中的小客人。

2. 听到广播之后,Pluto就带Tony去找妈妈。妈妈见到了Tony,才放下心来,也顾不上发火了,连忙向Pluto道谢。原来扮Pluto的这个人是个大学生,Tony觉得他很棒。妈妈警告Tony说,不许在游乐园里面跟着卡通人物乱跑了,wandering,意思是“漫无目的乱走”,wandering after...就是“盲目跟着…到处走”的意思。

3. Tony这回就学乖了,说再也不会乱走了,而且也不想扮成迪斯尼卡通人物了,因为这些服装都有一股汗臭味,还是当宇航员好了。smelly,是一个形容词,表示“臭的,有异味的”。妈妈给Tony吃刚才买的热狗,还问Pluto要不要一个。

4. Pluto说,My pleasure,我的荣幸,常用在回应对方道谢的时候。他又说,I'm one, one very hot dog...这是一语双关,大家都知道,hotdog“热狗”是一种食物,字面翻译是“很热的狗”。因为穿着Pluto的道具服装很闷热,所以当Tony的妈妈问他要不要吃热狗的时候,他才说自己已经是一条“很热的狗”了。