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CRI English Unit 52:Hawaii, the Paradise人间天堂夏威夷



Part 1 A Brief Introduction to Hawaii 夏威夷群岛简介 

    The Hawaiian island chain began around 10 billion years ago with the fomp3 ation of Kauai and Niihau. The islands are a result of the movement of the Pacific Plate, one of Earth's tectonic plates, over a hot spot. A hot spot is a place where molten rock escapes through the crust, like a volcano.

    Eventually, the build-up of magma from the ocean floor will reach sea level to create an island. Over time, the hot spot will die down as the Pacific Plate continues to move. This movement offers a new place to create another island if the hot spot returns to activity.

    Over thousands of years, the hard lava rock deteriorates, allowing for plants to thrive and animals to survive.

    The natives of the Hawaiian Islands came from clusters of people referred to presently as Polynesians. Polynesians originated from Southeast Asia, but their history cannot be completely traced. They were great navigators and settled numerous islands in the Pacific Ocean, from New Zealand to Easter Island and Hawaii, the most northern and last to be settled. This expansive area of islands is called the Polynesian Triangle.

    The Hawaiian Islands were again discovered by Captain James Cook of England in 1778. About a year later in 1779, Cook returned to Hawaii only to create a series of misfortunate incidents - events, which led to his untimely death at the hand of natives. The warring state of the islands at the time of Cook's arrival did not help the circumstance. Hawaii was more or less divided into three kingdoms at Cook's advent. King Kamehameha, who was present at Cook's visits, worked hard to unite all the islands of Hawaii under one rule by 1810.

    King Kamehameha's death marked the decline of the kapu system and many other traditional values. These values were manipulated by Christian missionaries, who sought to save what they considered the heathen souls of the natives. The first boat of missionaries arrived in 1820 and by 1823 the first mission was founded in Lahaina. It wasn't long before many natives converted to Christianity. The greatest threat to the missionary effort was not locals, but the whale and merchant ships. These ships brought drunken and lustful men. Lahaina was the busiest port of the area during this time. It would be Hawaii's present capitol, but Kamehameha III ultimately moved it to Honolulu.

    Landownership was a foreign concept to native Hawaiians. Efforts were attempted by Kamehameha III to divide the land and make it possible to fomp3ally acquire it. This system and the natives' inexperience were abused by whites. Since that decree, Hawaiian lands have swiftly fallen to foreigners. Many Europeans set up plantations on their newly stifled land to grow sugar cane and pineapple. However, there was not enough local labor due to disease brought by outsiders. By the 1850s, the native population was reduced to one fifth.

    The last of the Hawaiian monarchs was Lydia Liliuokalani, who was of royal blood but not of Kamehameha lineage. Her reign began in 1891 and was short lived. It ended in 1893 as a result of a coup supported by sugar growers and undoubtedly the U.S. government. A new provisional government was put into place. Most natives were prevented from voting and were powerless against the U.S.' ultimate goal of annexation in 1898.

    The military became as significant to Hawaii as Hawaii was central to the military. The military took over the economy providing money and jobs. As a result of the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, more mainlanders considered Hawaii perpetually bound to the U.S. More locals also considered themselves American and created a greater movement for statehood. It took several years for Hawaii to become the 50th state in 1959.

    The 1960s brought about the era of the tourists through the revolution of the passenger airplane. Today, more than 6 million visitors per year come to Hawaii to bask in the aloha spirit of the islands.



    这里的地质结构也是独一无二的,这里有全世界最活跃的活火山,也有最大的死火山哈力卡拉(Haleakala);同时也有最高的摩纳其山(Mauna Kea)和悬崖。这里的观光旅游业非常发达,旅馆如雨后春笋越来越多,海滩上总是挤满了人,这不过只是夏威夷的面貌之一;你还是可以找到非观光热门地区,也有人少偏僻的海滩可以探险,住宿的选择也有内陆的小屋或孤立偏远的住处。





    在檀香山 Honolulu,可以体会得到都市生活的好处与坏处,这里有很棒的博物馆、活跃的夜生活,还有好吃不贵的各种美食,但也一样免不了都市的通病-塞车。毛伊岛(Maui)是仅次于瓦胡岛,发展第二的岛,也是赏座头鲸的好地方。至于大岛(Big Island),则有雪跟活火山,两样在夏威夷其它岛上所没有的地理特色;考爱岛(Kauai)拥有全夏威夷最青绿茂密的植物景色。




Part 2 Have Fun at Hawaii 畅游夏威夷 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Lisa: Aloha! I have a lei to welcome you to paradise.
Ben: Huh? I don't see any cuties around. 
Lisa: No, silly! Not that kind of "lay". This lei is a necklace made of Hawaiian flowers!
Ben: Thanks. I was just kidding, you know. The islands look so beautiful from the air.
Lisa: And they look even more lush from the ground.
Ben: Well, after the Momp3on Utah desert, I can use as much as lushness as I can get.


1. 对话中,Lisa在机场迎接Ben的到来,Ben是到夏威夷来度假的。见到了Ben,Lisa热情地说了一声,Aloha!这是夏威夷土著的语言,不管见面问好还是说再见的时候都可以用到,夏威夷州的别名,Aloha State也因此而得名。

2. Lisa说,I have a lei to welcome you to paradise. 我带了一个可爱的东西来欢迎你到天堂。这里的paradise就是指夏威夷了。lei是指“花环”,当你乘着飞机抵达檀香山,通常一走出机场,就会看见热情的夏威夷女郎喊着Aloha,手里拿着一串花环,lei,往游客的脖子上套,不过这些lei可是要付费才能带走的纪念品哦。

3. 但是Ben故意打岔,把lei听成了lay,这个词,l-a-y,发音跟l-e-I是一样的,但是两个词的意思可是相差十万八千里,lay是指“性伴侣”,而不是指带在脖子上的夏威夷花环。所以Ben跟Lisa开玩笑说,我怎么没看见你身边有漂亮姑娘啊。cutie是cute的名词形式,表示“可人,长的漂亮的人”。

4. Lisa骂Ben是小笨蛋,不是那种“女伴”,而是这种用夏威夷花卉做成的项链。Ben赶忙道谢,并解释说,自己是在开玩笑呢。Ben赞叹说,从飞机上看夏威夷群岛真是漂亮极了。Lsia说夏威夷群岛从地上看也是绿意盎然。lush这个词表示“苍翠的”,名词形式是lushness,表示“翠绿”。

5. Ben听了很高兴,说在经历了摩门尤他州的沙漠之后,再多的绿意我也不嫌多。I can use...这个句型表示“我需要...”,比如说,Now I can use some cash. 现在我需要一些现钞。