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CRI English Unit 52:Hawaii, the Paradise人间天堂夏威夷



Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2  

Lisa: I think you should start with a sweet tropical cocktail.
Ben: You've really said the magic word, Lisa. It wasn't just coffee I had to abstain from in Salt Lake.
Lisa: Coconuts will help you get into that aloha spirit.
Ben: Great! Order me a fresh pina colada, followed by a strawberry daiquiri. Mmmmmmm!
Lisa: And then we'll get you in the water!
Ben: But I don't know how to swim.
Lisa: You'll just have to learn then!  


1. 对话中,Ben和Lisa来到了怀基基海滩的一家酒吧。怀基基海滩,Waikiki是世界闻名的旅游胜地。Lisa建议Ben先来一杯香甜的热带鸡尾酒,就是a sweet tropical cocktail。这正合Ben的心意,因为他在盐湖城连咖啡都不能喝,更别说鸡尾酒了。

2. magic word,我们前面也讲过,原来表示“咒语”,You've really said the magic word.你说的正合我意。abstain from sth 表示“避开戒掉某物”。Lisa说椰子可以让人充分感染夏威夷的欢乐气息,就是aloha spirit。

3. Ben点了一杯新鲜的果汁朗姆冰酒,a fresh pina colada。pina colada 这种酒是由朗姆酒、菠萝汁、椰奶和牛奶调制而成的,最后再放进去一片菠萝当装饰就成了。

4. 一杯还不够,Ben又点了strawberry daiquiri,就是“草莓代基里”,是由新鲜的草莓、朗姆酒、莱姆汁,草莓甜酒、红石榴汁,加上细糖和碎冰制成。到夏威夷享受热带风情的人一定不要错过这两种充满热带气息的鸡尾酒。

Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3 

Jenny: You two from around here?
Ben: She is, but I'm just a tourist.
Jenny: So will you be in Oahu your whole trip?
Ben: I'm not sure yet. Lisa here said something about going to another island.
Jenny: The Big Island has some killer volcanoes, but Kauai...I've heard some crazy stories about the place.
Ben: Like what?
Jenny: Like...there's a community of people who live there. In between the beach and the mountains!
Ben: All the islands have people between the beach and the mountains.
Jenny: But this one is different. They live on wild fruit tree, and grow lots of weed. It's like paradise!
Ben: This all sounds kind of like that movie, The Beach.
Jenny: Maybe, but his place is for real. Go check it out and let me know! Time for me to hit the surf!


1. 对话中,Jenny过来跟Lisa 和Ben搭话,问他们是不是整个行程都会在瓦胡岛呢?瓦胡岛的名称Oahu有“聚集”之意,岛上果然聚集了八成以上的夏威夷人,国际机场和主要旅游点Pearl Harbor珍珠港等都集中在这里。

2. Ben也不知道他们是否会一直留在瓦胡岛,Lisa说过可能要去一个另外的岛屿。Jenny告诉Ben在The Big Island大岛上分布着一些迷人的火山,killer这里的意思是“迷人的人或事物”。但是当说到Kauai考爱岛的时候,Jenny就欲言又止了。她神神密密地告诉Ben,她听说了一些关于考爱岛的疯狂传说。

3. Ben很好奇,Like what?比如说什么刺激的故事呢?Jenny告诉他考爱岛上住着一群人,在海滩和山区之间。Ben听了觉得很可笑,在夏威夷每个岛都有人住在海滩和山区之间啊,这有什么可稀奇的。Jenny说这一个可不一样,这些人以野生果树的果实为生,而且种了大麻,就像在天堂一样。weed是一个俚语词汇,是“大麻”的意思。

4. Ben听了觉得就像Beach《海滩》这部电影里情节一样,这部电影描述了一位美国观光客到泰国度假,偶然从陌生人手中得到地图,按照这张地图找到了传说中的美丽海滩。Jenny说电影里的情节是虚构的,但是她说的岛屿可是真的,还建议Ben去亲眼看一看。然后就去冲浪了。for real ,意思是“真的,当真”。

Dialogue Script 4  对话原文 4 

Lisa: Kauai does sound beautiful though. I've always wanted to hike the Kalalau Trail.
Ben: I read about that! Cliffs and waterfalls and fruit trees! I have a couple of weeks. Yeah, let's do it!
Lisa: OK. I think I can get the time off. But let's explore all of Oahu first.
Ben: Cool. Let's go to Pearl Harbor later today then.
Lisa: Alright. But let's play a little first. If you're not going to get in the  water, you at least better get in the air. (points at a parasailer)


1. Lisa说考爱岛听别人描述确实很美,而且她一直都想去走走卡拉劳步道。考爱岛是夏威夷人心目中最美的岛,高耸的峭壁直接落入海平面,也拥有壮丽的Kalalau Trail卡拉劳步道。

2. Ben说他也在书上读到过这个地方,那里有悬崖、瀑布和果树!他还有两周的假期,完全可以去考爱到玩一玩。Jenny正好也可以休个假,get the time off就是“休假”的意思。

3. 但是Lisa提议先把他们所在的瓦胡岛玩遍了再说。Ben提议去珍珠港参观。Lisa想在海滩上先玩一会再去,如果Ben不下水游泳的话,至少得到天空上去,说完Lisa指了指滑翔伞手。parasailer就是操纵滑翔伞的人。

Dialogue Script 5  对话原文 5 

(A few hours later, at Pearl Harbor)

Ben: Hawaii is nothing like Utah. Are you sure this is the same country?
Lisa: Hawaii is really unique. Last state in the union. The only island state. No rac ial majority.
Ben: No majority? Everyone here looks Asian to me.
Lisa: Some of those are native Hawaiians. Some are Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, Fijian, Tongan. Twenty-four percent is white, but really, everyone's just all mixed up here.
Ben: I guess you fit right in here, being half Japanese and half white.
Lisa: There's even a Hawaiian word for that! I'm a hapa. You know, being half-Japanese, I always feel kind of weird coming here.
Ben: But everyone in Hawaii looks Japanese. Anyway, people must accept history by now.
Lisa: But so many people died here. Look at this ship, the USS Arizona. Thousands just sank with it.
Ben: That had nothing to do with you, Lisa.
Lisa: I know, I know. You know, looking out at the sea from here, I can't wait to go to Kauai.
Ben: Cool. Let's go start packing then!


1. 对话中,Lisa和Ben来到了珍珠港军事基地参观。Ben觉得夏威夷一点都不想尤他州,感觉就像来到了一个别的国家。Lisa解释说,夏威夷真的很独特,它是美国的最后一个州,也是唯一的州岛,而且没有多数民族。majority是“多数”的意思,它的反义词是minority,ethnic minorities就是“少数民族”的意思。

2. Ben觉得很奇怪,因为这里所有人在他看来都像是亚洲人。Lisa说这里有一部分是夏威夷原住民,有些是日本人、菲律宾人、中国人、斐济人和汤加人。这里24%的人口是白人,但事实上,这里每个人都是混血儿。要说一下的是,在夏威夷语中,haole,就是指在夏威夷的白人。

3. 所以Ben说Lisa很适合生活在夏威夷,因为她是一半日本人,一半白人,half Japanese and half white。在夏威夷语当中,还有一个专门的词来表示这种“混血儿”,就是hapa。身为半个日本人,Lisa总觉得来到珍珠港军事基地怪怪的。

4. 1941年12月7,日本偷袭“珍珠港”Pearl Harbor,美国太平洋舰队损失惨重,44艘舰船被击沉,共有2000多名军民死于这次偷袭行动,仅“亚利桑那号” the USS Arizona这一艘战舰,就有1200多名官兵遇难。Lisa也在后面的对话中提到。

5. 所以Lisa来到珍珠港的时候就觉得weird怪怪的。Ben安慰她说,不要多想,这里每个人看起来都像日本人,而且人们到现在一定要正视和接受历史了。Lisa也知道是这样的,但是一想到有这么多人死了,她就很难过。

6. Ben说日军偷袭珍珠港跟Lisa一点关系也没有,就不要自责了。have nothing to do with sb or sth 表示“跟某人或者某物没有关系”,那么have something to do with sb or sth就可以表示“跟某人或者某物有关”了。

7. Lisa也明白其中的道理。她转移了话题,让Ben看向大海,从他们的位置看考爱岛,觉得它更美了。Ben兴奋不已,嚷着现在就回去打包,就是pack这个词,比如说,I've already finished packing. 我已经打完包了。

Dialogue Script 6  对话原文 6 

Ben: We'd like a pemp3it for camping in the Na Pali Coast. Three days.
Ranger: Are you sure you're in shape for the trail? The Sierra Club gives it a nine out of ten for difficulty.
Ben: I just came here from a climbing trip in Utah. I can handle everything.
Ranger: Use your head. You know what 'pali' means, don't you?
Ben: Umm, not exactly. I'm not local.
Ranger: It means cliffs. And that's what you'll be hiking along. Sheer cliffs. But you've never been anywhere more beautiful.


1. 对话中,Ben和Lisa来到护林员这里领取到纳帕里海岸Na Pali Coast三天的露营许可证。pemp3it就是“许可,许可证”。护林员,就是ranger,疑惑地问他们是否能够受得了到那里露营,因为纳帕里海岸的地势非常险恶。be in shape 表示“处于良好的健康状况”,比如说,You'll never be in shape until you eat healthy food and take some exercise. 只有吃健康食物,做运动才能保持身体的最佳状态。

2. 跟be in shape相对的就是be out of shape,“不健康的”,比如说,Take exercise if you're out of shape.如果身体不好就要锻炼。纳帕里海岸的地势非常险恶,山岳协会给那里难度9的评分,nine out of ten for sth表示“以十级来分,到第9级了”,一般人还真受不了这里的环境。

3. Ben很自信,说他才从尤他州登山回来,应该什么都应付得来。handle就是“应付,对付”的意思。护林员很不以为然,他说Use your head. You know what 'pali' means, don't you? 考虑一下吧,你知道“pali”的意思吗?

4. use your head 字面上的意思是“用用你的脑子吧”,建议对方多考虑一会的时候就可以用。比如说,---I've had five beers already. Want a ride home? ---No! Use your head. Don't drink and drive. ---我已经喝了5瓶啤酒了,要搭我的便车回家吗?---不!想清楚好不好,喝酒不能开车。

5. 那么pali是什么意思呢?在夏威夷语里,pali是“悬崖”的意思,就是Ben 和Lisa要走的步道,都是险峻的峭壁,不过那里的风景是无与伦比的。sheer的意思是“陡峭的”。美景当然是诱惑人的,不过首先还是要注意安全。