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You know, when you look at the schedule for this fall, there are 30 hours of unscripted programming across the five broadcast networks, which is an 81 percent uptick from last year.看一下今年秋季的节目表,5个广播电视网有30个小时的无剧本节目,比去年增加了81%。How many shows were being included on fall schedules at this time last year?去年这个时候有多少无剧本节目被列入了秋季节目单?So definitely reality is being brought in to help save all these networks, and yet the jobs aren't there right now.真人秀无疑是要帮助拯救所有的广播电视网,但目前还没有工作机会。Fascinating. And you mentioned the shiny floor shows.真精彩。你还提到了闪亮舞台秀。How is the strike affecting the celebrity guests, the celebrity judges that take part in these competition shows, other types of reality television who are otherwise participating in the strike?罢工对参加这些竞赛节目以及其他类型的真人秀节目的明星嘉宾、明星评委有什么影响?Sure. So I think that, you know, reality hosts who are often well known A listers and people who have acting careers and judges and potentially contestants on shows like Dancing with the Stars, they're covered separately. 肯定有影响。我认为一线真人秀主持人、有演艺事业的名人、《星随舞动》这样节目的评委、潜在选手,他们的保险都是分开缴纳。So it's not part of the deal that's being currently ironed out that have led to the strike, but just the idea of producing content for a strut company.目前正在解决的部分协议不是导致罢工的原因,为一家自负的公司制作内容的想法才是真正原因。I think that some, you know, involved in the undiscripted industry thought that it's possible that hosts would and judges would, for optics reasons, perhaps not want to create new episodes of shows. 我认为一些无编剧行业员工认为,出于光学原因,主持人和评委可能不想制作新的节目。But -- so far it appears that right now most shows are still moving forward, even with actors involved.不过,到目前为止,即便有许多演员参与进来,但似乎大多数节目仍在向前推进。And producers of reality shows are not considered writers. They're not part of the writer's union. 人们认为真人秀的制作人不是编剧。他们不是编剧工会的成员。But certainly they play a large role in shaping the storylines of these shows. 但毫无疑问,他们在塑造这些节目的故事情节方面发挥了重要作用。They do a very similar job that writers do. 他们的工作和编剧非常相似。So why aren't they covered by the union?为什么工会不为他们提供保险呢?Yeah, I think that, you know, you talk to people in the industry and there is confusion as far as why that wouldn't be considered. 是的,你采访过业内人士,他们对不考虑缴纳保险的原因感到困惑。Writing unscripted has been seen sort of as this cheaper, quicker alternative, and I think that's helped it thrive.编写无剧本节目被视为一种更便宜、更快捷的选择,我认为这有助于这类型节目的蓬勃发展。I've talked to people who think that kind of some unscripted programming has kind of leaned in on maybe less experienced producers and people behind the scenes 我采访过一些人,他们认为一些无剧本节目可能会让欠缺经验的制片人和幕后人员受益,who are able to get work and develop Hollywood experience but are willing to work these longer hours, maybe not getting residuals, not having health benefits.而这些人员能够找到工作,积累好莱坞经验,但同时必须愿意长时间工作,接受没有剩余分成,没有医保。