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You've referenced future generations. And I know you're a new parent, I also have a young child, a toddler, and I find that since becoming a parent, it has definitely made me more aware of the long legacy of the actions we take, or that we don't take now.


It's our children and their children and their children's children that are going to be living with the decisions we make today.


So I'm just kind of wondering, how becoming a parent has influenced your thinking on all of this?


The big thing for me is the idea that we need to leave our kids with more options, not fewer, right?


Because the the challenges that our children will face will be even greater than challenges that we're facing.


It'll be less water, it'll be higher temperatures, more storms, and things that we're not even aware of right now.


So the last thing we want to do is rob them of what tools already exist.


And that's a tricky thing about maladaptation is this technological lock-in right?


Where you do one thing once you build a dam or now suddenly because you have this hard infrastructure, this dam you have your system now depends on this dam.


And everything you do, every decision you make downstream of that time, ultimately comes back to the existence of that dam.


How you manage the water, how you decide who gets it, when you release flows, whether you're building canals to like collect some of that water, whether your energy is dependent on that dam.


These types of infrastructure have these long legacies that affect all these other decisions we don't even often think about.


And so, we need to be making decisions now with the idea in mind that the situation in the future is going to be very different.


And we need to be coming up with malleable adaptations, reactionary adaptations that can change on a dime, depending on the different scenarios, different changing environments, and also changing priorities.


In Japan, when the sea walls were initially built, people looked at concrete like it was a sign of modernity and it was proof that their country had emerged from World War II with some vitality.


Now the newer generation doesn't like the concrete and doesn't want to see sea walls, they would like to see more like nature-based solutions, they want they want forest buffers instead of big concrete walls.


And so we need to we need to be thinking about that and think about like what are our kids really gonna, what kind of lifestyle are our kids gonna want to live and they're the ones who have to live behind with this infrastructure.


Science, Quickly is produced by Jeff DelViscio, Tulika Bose, Kelso Harper, and Carin Leong.


Our show was edited by Elah Feder and Alexa Lim. Our theme music was composed by Dominic Smith.


Don't forget to subscribe to Science, Quickly wherever you get your podcasts.


For Science, Quickly, I'm Andrea Thompson.
