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BBC环球慢速英语 第483期:不丹——幸福的国度(5)


voice 1: Mrs Lem lives in the village of Tempakha in Bhutan. She says it is a happy place to live. She does not consider wealth to be the answer to gaining happiness. Most of the people in her community are farmers. They lead a simple life. The land is fertile - it provides enough food. The villages can grow two rice crops a year. They also grow chillies, tomatoes, beans and aubergines. Mrs Lem says she has everything that she needs.

voice 2: Economic developments do happen in the villages of Bhutan. But they happen slowly. The people of Tempakha hope that they will soon be connected to the country's electricity system. And they also hope to build a road to transport their surplus crops. The King recognises that some economic growth is important. But each new development in Bhutan is considered carefully. Will it make people happier? Will it really make life better?