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BBC环球慢速英语 第484期:不丹——幸福的国度(6)


voice 1: In Bhutan's capital city people see a very different way of life. In 1999 the King permitted television. International media now shows a whole new world to the young people of Bhutan. Young people are better informed about the world. They are in a better position to develop businesses. But the new technology has also brought problems. The young people see a world where wealth seems to buy more happiness. And the young people want what they see.

voice 2: So are the young people of Bhutan seeing a false image?

voice 1: The Worldwatch Institute is a respected research organisation. It collects information on world economic, social and health developments. Worldwatch has studied the effects of wealth on people's health and happiness. Worldwatch states that most people in developed countries have enough money. They can satisfy their everyday needs. They do not need to earn more.