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Language Experts Choose ‘Dumpster Fire’ and ‘Aleppo’ as 2016 Words of the Year

Words in This Story

deplorable - adj. very bad in a way that causes shock, fear, or disgust

basket of deplorables - n. phrase used by Clinton in speech about Trump supporters

nasty woman - n. phrase Trump used about Hillary Clinton in final presidential debate

Pantsuit Nation- n. a popular Facebook group for Clinton supporters

post-truth - n. belonging to a time in which facts matter less than beliefs and emotions

woke - adj. socially aware or enlightened.

uNPRecedented - adj. not done or experienced before

Drumpf - n. original German form of President-elect Donald Trump's family name

locker-room banter – n. private discussions with one or more individuals; a phrase used by Trump and his supporters to defend his 2005 remarks about women