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Words in this Story

downside – n. a part of something that you do not want or like : a drawback or disadvantage

predator – n. an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals : an animal that preys on other animals

rodent – n. a small animal (such as a mouse, rat, squirrel, or beaver) that has sharp front teeth

upside – n. a part of something that is good or desirable : an advantage or benefit

pesticide – n. a chemical that is used to kill animals or insects that damage plants or crops

awareness – n. a realization, perception, or knowledge of something

eco-tourist – n. one who tours natural habitats in a manner meant to minimize ecological impact

pet – n. a domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility

aggressive – adj. ready and willing to fight, argue, etc. : feeling or showing aggression

claw – n. a sharp curved part on the toe of an animal (such as a cat or bird) : claw – v. to scratch, grip, or dig with claws or fingers

coincidentally – adv. happening because of a coincidence : not planned

domestic – adj. relating to or involving someone's home or family