claw(s) – n. a sharp curved body part of an animal, such as a lobster or crab, that is used for gripping and holding things
delicious – adj. very pleasant to eat
grill – v. to cook food on a metal frame over fire
soup – n. a food made by cooking vegetables, meat, or fish in a large amount of liquid
steam(ing) – v. cook, heat, or treat (something) with the hot gas that is created when water is boiled
beer – n. an alcoholic drink made from malt and flavored with hops
vinegar – n. a liquid with an acid taste that is used to flavor or preserve foods or to clean things
spice(s) – n. a substance, such as pepper or nutmeg, that is used in cooking to add flavor to food and that comes from a dried plant and is usually a powder or seed
rack – n. a frame or stand on which you place things
challenge – n. a difficult task or problem
mallet(s) – n. a tool with a large usually wooden head that is connected to a part that is easy for a hand to hold
messy – adj. not clean or tidy
oyster(s) – n. a type of shellfish that has a rough shell with two parts and that is eaten both cooked and raw