


President Trump Monday unequivocally denied he ever worked for Russia after seeming to avoid answering the question during his Sunday interview aired on Fox News. I never worked for Russia and you know that answer better than anybody. I never worked for Russia. Not only did I never work for Russia, I think it’s a disgrace that you even ask that question because it’s a whole big fat hoax. President Trump’s strong denial comes in response to a New York Times report that the FBI begin investigating whether the president had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests after he fired FBI Director James Comey in 2017.

The Washington Post also reported the president allegedly concealed details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin at several meetings and did so deliberately. The president reluctantly criticized the Russia leader, and the investigation over Russian meddling in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency is getting renewed attention after the latest round of media reports.
You know there are so many questions raised: why he is so chummy with Vladimir Putin? Democrats also have questioned the rationale for recent Trump administration’s decisions to withdraw US forces from Russian ally, Syria, and to lift sanctions imposed on some Russian businesses.
On Monday, the president denounced Comey and the past leadership of the FBI, accusing them of working to undermine his presidency. The people doing that, the investigation, were people that have been thought, that are known scoundrels there. I guess you could say they’re dirty cops. The White House says he has been tougher on Russia than past presidents, and has imposed 272 Russian-related sanctions. The White House went on to denounce the unnamed sources in the intelligence community that leak information to the media.
Brian Padden, VOA News, Washington.