
新概念英语第一册Lesson 60课后练习册答案


Lesson 60
? 答案与解析
1. T。从警察问几个学生Whose bike is this?可以看出,该句是对的。
2. T。由It looks like Mao Rui’s.我们能够得知,该句是对的。
3. F。从Here is red.来看,这个句子不对。
4. T。我们从Miss Gao has a green bike.能够看出,这个句子是对的。
5. F。从His bike is old.可以看出,这个句子不对。
6. F。从Han Mei 最后的惊呼,说明那是她的自行车,而不是Jia Hua 的。该句是错的。
? 答案与解析
1. 从Rose often goes to the parties with her parents.我们可以看出,是她的父母亲把她带去的。该题答
案是:Her parents。
2. 从故事的第一段内容来看,她想做一个有礼貌的孩子。该题的答案是:She wants to be a polite girl.
3. 从This morning Class Four is having English. Miss Hunt tells her students to make a sentence with the
word “house”.我们能够得知她在教英语。这个问题的答案是:She teaches them English.
4. Peter 在课堂上造了一个句子,Rose 说不对,说明他们在同一个班,他就是Rose 的同学。该题应
当这样回答:He’s Rose’s classmate.
5. 从Rose 说的来看,她认为正确的句子应当是:A hen and a rooster are near the house.
1. Do you and Penny have any beer?
2. Do you have fresh eggs?
3. Does this shop sell steak?
4. Can you tell me what time it is?
5. It is six o’clock in the afternooon.
6. Do you have soap?
7. I want a pound of potatoes.
8. I have only some small boxes.