
新概念英语第一册Lesson 128课后练习册答案


Lesson 128
? 答案与解析
1. B。
2. C。从文章第一段可以得出正确答案。
3. A。文章第二段提到He often give Bill some fruit or cakes and teaches him to read and write.这说明
Mr. Green 对Bill 很友好。
4. D。Bill 的母亲说You’re a rude boy,由此可以判断母亲怕他惹Mr. Green 不高兴。
5. C。Bill 最后的话还是让Mr. Green 很不高兴,因此C 项是正确答案。
1. They must sell the house.
2. You must water the garden now.
3. We mustn’t buy the expensive car.
4. He mustn’t drive so fast.
5. They have to go there.
6. What’s the matter with you?
7. I will move to my new house.
8. I am moving to my new house.