新概念第三册自学导读 Lessons9
Supply so, such, such a, or such an:
1 The film was ______ funny, we laughed all the way through it.
2 We all had ______ fun at the seaside. It's a pity you weren't there.
3 It's ______ unusual exhibition, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
4 The twins are ______ alike, you can't tell the difference between them.
5 There was ______ loud noise, everyone jumped.
Multiple choice questions多项选择题
Choose the correct answers to the following questions.
1 We find cats endlessly fascinating because ______ .
a.we feel there is a good deal we do not know about their lives
b.we believe that cats have nine lives
c.they are different from dogs and horses
d.they can reach a speed of 60 miles an hour while falling
2 A recent study of 132 cats in New York proved ______ .
a.that it is true that cats have nine lives
b.that cats are related to flying squirrels
c.they are different from dogs and horses
d.that cats falling from great heights are seldom killed
3 Cats can survive great falls mainly because ______ .
a.the further they fall, the less likely they are to injure themselves
b.a cat's ability to survive is based on fact
c.a falling cat relaxes its legs and so increases its air-resistance
d.they are unlikely to exceed a speed of about 60 miles an hour Structure结构
4 Cats have an unfailing fascination ______ most people. (1. 1)
5 Cats never become submissive ______ . (1. 3)
a.as dogs and horses
b.in the way that dogs and horses do
c.as far as dogs and horses
d.as for dogs and horses
6 ______ _popularly believed that cats have nine lives. (1. 7)
a.There is
c.This is
d.It is
7 New York is ideal for this study because ______ high-rise buildings. (11. 11-12)
a.there is plenty of
b.of the number of
c.it has plenty
d.the number
8 Over a period of five months, there was ______ of 132 cats in New York. (1. 9)
a.a study
b.studied v
c.some studies
9 Most cats are suspicious of human beings ______ their lives. (1. 5)
10 ______ there is a good deal of truth in this idea. (1. 7)
a.As a matter of fact
b.In the event
c.It would seem
d.Surprisingly enough
11 That cats can survive falls from great heights is ______ by the facts. (11. 7-8)
12 One cat fell 32 storeys. ______ she only suffered a broken tooth. (11. 12-l3)
a.Even so
d.In spite of