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英语文摘:Chinese premier holds symposium on economic situation


BEIJING, July 6 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Qiang held a symposium on the economic situation on Thursday, listening to opinions and suggestions from experts and scholars on the country's economy and work.

Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang attended the meeting.

Since the start of this year, the Chinese economy has demonstrated a trend of recovery and improvement, Li said after listening to experts' reports.

Stressing that China's sound economic fundamentals for long-term growth remain unchanged, the premier said that the country has the conditions to promote sustained growth as long as it keeps strategic composure and enhances development confidence.

Li said China is in a critical economic recovery and industrial upgrading period. Li highlighted the importance of an effective policy mix.

He said targeted and coordinated policy measures should be introduced and implemented in a timely manner to stabilize growth, ensure employment, and guard against risks.

The premier also urged efforts to establish and improve the regular communication mechanisms between the government and enterprises such as private businesses and foreign firms.

Li added that learning about the latest situations and fine-tuning policy measures in a timely manner can help boost market confidence and anchor expectations.